Cannabis & Critical Race Theory (CRT) – Cannabis News, Lifestyle
Canada (and the West) are experiencing a cultural revolution. But not the good kind. This cultural revolution resembles Mao’s great leap forward. The scourge is called Critical Race Theory (CRT). And the cannabis industry isn’t immune.
What is CRT?
You can trace Critical Race Theory back to the Frankfurt School of Marxism. However, it is more correct to blame two law professors from the 1980s. Responsible for this nonsense are Columbia University law professor Kimberlé Crenshaw and former New York University law professor Derrick Bell.
Critical race theorists believe countries like Canada and the United States are “systemically racist.” That its predominantly European population suffers from “white privilege”. As such, they reject notions of color blindness, which treat people as individuals rather than members of an ethnic group. Most CRT proponents view “individualism” as part of Western Civilization’s alleged white supremacist ideology.
On the one hand, CRT is good because it sees race as a creation of society and not a biological reality. After all, we are all homo sapiens. Skin color is determined by how close to the equator the ancestors lived. Everything else is ethnic culture.
Unfortunately, critical racial theorists do not take this approach. Logic would dictate that defining race as a social construct would result in a “color blind” society. Instead, CRT proponents also ignore the biological reality that we are all homo sapiens.
The whole point of CRT is to justify left-wing positions. It is the intellectual basis of the “awakened” progressive left.
CRT advocates behave as if they are doing objective science that no one could reasonably object to. CRT should be renamed to Critical Race Religion because that’s all it comes down to.
A secular belief in a higher power.
“Lived Experiences” DESTROYED BY FACTS and LOGIC
Mari Matsuda, a law professor at the University of Hawaii and an early developer of critical race theory, told the New York Times, “For me, critical race theory is a method that takes the lived experience of racism seriously.” But what if the ” lived experiences” of minorities do not correspond with the CRT ideology?
Take the “lived experience” of Professor Patanjali Kambhampati of McGill University. As he wrote in the National Post,
“Today, the ‘lived experience’ of marginalized communities is an unassailable issue. But what if my lived experience leads me to support even more strongly the classic liberal principles that are the very foundation of democracy? Indeed, my “lived experiences” as a Third World immigrant to the United States led me to be a lifelong advocate of the practices of merit, fairness, and equality – practices derived from classical liberal principles.”
Many CRT proponents would consider Patanjali “Uncle Tom.” Likely brainwashed and suffering from ideological Stockholm Syndrome. If that sounds racist to you, that’s because it is.
Critical race theory is racist, period.
The civil rights movement? That ultimately served the interests of the “whites,” says CRT co-founder Derrick Bell.
That quote from Martin Luther King about judging people by their character and not the color of their skin? He didn’t actually mean that. And if you’re Caucasian or Caucasian and you bring up this quote, then you’re a racist.
But for some reason it is not racist to say, “Racism is an integral, enduring, and indestructible part of this society.” Or that “Black people will never achieve full equality in this country.”
Although Americans voted twice for a black president.
Critical race theory infects governments and businesses
Justin Trudeau’s Canadian government is embracing critical race theory like a fat kid on a donut.
Global Affairs Canada incorporates the ideology into their training programs. Bell Canada regularly speaks to its shareholders, employees and customers on the subject of White Privilege. Even Home Depot thinks Canada is racist.
And if you think conservative politicians will stand up to this tyranny – think again. Earlier this year, nearly all Ontario provincial legislators (mostly Conservative) voted to introduce CRT into the public school curriculum.
Also, don’t think that minorities are safe from it.
The Waterloo Region District School Board has only one black person as a trustee. He expressed apparent concern about this new form of racism invading our public schools. The result? Blamed because, as he said, “I don’t follow their political agenda”.
Its scary. These people are in positions of power and indoctrinate children with this bullshit. A political movement based on judging people’s skin color is idiotic. And dangerous. It’s regressive and reactionary – the complete opposite of being progressive.
Are CRT proponents unaware of Nazi Germany? It is no exaggeration to compare the two ideologies.
In the Grievance Studies affair, Peter Boghossian, James A. Lindsay, and Helen Pluckrose used passages from Hitler’s Mein Kampf and substituted “white man” for “Jew”. They aimed to highlight the poor science and criteria of academic fields infected with CRT. Their work was published and praised until publishers found out who stood behind them.
How the critical race theory is infecting the cannabis industry
Reject CRT. Read Rothbard.
As the cannabis industry evolves, those who suffered the brunt of Prohibition see one of two things happening. They are welcomed into the industry or ousted legally or financially. To many, this proves that “racist hierarchies” rule Western civilization.
But that has nothing to do with race. Trudeau’s legalization scam discourages a large majority of BC bud growers. It has nothing to do with the color of their skin, but with the size of their bank accounts and how many political connections they have in Ottawa.
But what about the mass impersonation of nonviolent drug offenders in the US? Most of them are black. Isn’t that evidence of systemic racism?
It’s proof that the police are racist. This is an area where I agree with the left: disappointing the police. I’ve discussed it before here, here, here, here and here. Long before Defund the Police was a meme.
The difference is that I want a private sector model to replace it. Not some communist-sounding nonsense like replacing armed guards with “community workers.”
A private police model serves communities through contract law. It opens the field for competition.
Suppose you owned a private security force in downtown Chicago, and your white employees arrested and shot black people in exceptional numbers. How long do you think you would stay in business?
Systemic racism is not widespread in the cannabis industry. Crony capitalism is. As Murray Rothbard wrote, “What the state naturally fears most is any fundamental threat to its own power and existence.”
CRT as a function of self-preservation
An unelected elite of bankers and technocrats screw ordinary people. They cannot unite us against them. Their greatest fear is that we will all stand united on the streets, occupy their buildings and chant “We are the 99%”.
Therefore, the state must invent or adopt an ideology that will play us off against each other. White vs Black. poor versus rich. Us against them.
But there is only one “us against them”.
There is the creative productivity, the peaceful exchange and the cooperation of free people in consensual dealings with each other.
And then there is the compulsive exploitation of those social relationships.
The philosopher Albert Jay Nock defined these competing forces as “social power” and “state power”. United we have enough social power to eliminate the state. But first, as Nock wrote, we must recognize that our common enemy is the state.
Two final thoughts on CRT
Late in George W. Bush’s second term, the economy collapsed. Big banks had made terrible decisions and now they wanted a bailout.
Bush famously said, “We must abandon free market principles to save the free market system,” as if the US had had free markets for over a century.
Barack Obama was the populist savior. He fought against the big banks and all wars. He was the peace candidate and would bring America back to sanity after eight years of Bush’s war on terror.
But then Obama won. And continued the wars. Then he bailed out the banks again. The result was Occupy Wall Street. Although the movement was left-leaning, almost everyone was in favor of occupying New York’s financial center. It was all of us, the 99% as opposed to the 1%, who had all the power and controlled the money.
Not surprisingly, then, starting in 2011 (and certainly after Donald Trump’s popularity), the corporate press began to focus on promoting division based on race.
Divide and conquer. This is how the elites win and we lose.
Thankfully, people are waking up. The MacDonald-Laurier Institute has published a number of essays written by ethnic minorities. These essays explain and critique critical race theory from the “lived experiences” of people in Africa, the Caribbean, the Middle East, and South Asia.
And while CRT advocates retain their power in high places, at the end of the day it will be the common people, the silent majority, who will determine which way society’s pendulum swings.
And with the growing popularity of “far-right” ideas, I have hope that even young, impressionable schoolchildren will recognize CRT for the blatantly racist bullshit that it is.
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