Cannabis Coaching Careers – Need a Job, Become a Marijuana Coach!
In early 2020 I wrote an article on cannabis coaching – where the general topic was specifically focused on recreational cannabis.
In other words, a kind of weed guru guiding newbies through the hazy cannabis landscape. Does such an offer have any value … yes – many people have become cannabis coaches since then!
However, my initial take on it was solely focused on recreational cannabis and today I want to explain the different ways you can become a cannabis coach for different markets and so on.
The truth is that with the right branding, specific knowledge, etc., you can become a cannabis mentor for a wide variety of populations.
Let’s take a closer look at how to refine your resume to start your journey as a cannabis coach.
The grower’s coach!
Let me tell you one thing about novice growers – they have absolutely no idea what they are doing. When you first started cultivating, how many times did you double guess your measurements?
If you’ve had at least 10 successful harvests, you should have enough basic knowledge of the process to help another youngster on his way to growing at home.
What additional skills would you add to your cannabis cultivation? Things like gardening, carpentry (to build grow rooms), electrics, plumbing, little knowledge of chemistry and fertilizers, specific knowledge of pest control, soil preparation, hydroponics, automation.
All of these additional skills will give you an edge over the normal old breeder. If you want to become a cannabis coach, you have to be the one with the answers, it takes time!
You can start by creating a social media page, perhaps building a website, and marketing yourself as a “Grow Coach” in your area. You will be surprised how many people answer.
The medical coach
Believe it or not, my mom – at the age of 63 is now becoming a medical cannabis coach. She helps her mother – in the 90s and her friends – to use cannabis for the first time in her life.
Recently she called me and asked how to store and heal her two kilograms of home-grown buds – I helped her as I could.
Now she’s taking all that weed – turning it into tinctures, ointments, and an infinite number of other products to help those who have never been familiar with cannabis as a medicine.
What makes my mother so special is that she studied cannabis intensively – and also studied some medicine in college. Combine that with her deep love for research and you have the recipe for becoming a medical cannabis coach.
Her clients often ask her to research how cannabis would interact with their medication, and that is exactly what she does. Help them find ways to effectively incorporate cannabis into their diet.
Some skills you would strengthen as a medical cannabis coach are: medicine, anatomy, biology, pharmacy, holistic medicine, nutrition, physical fitness, psychology.
All of these additional skills will help you become a serious resource for your customers. This is the ultimate goal for a cannabis coach!
Cannabis lifestyle coaching
This is your recreational trainer. To teach people the culture, traditions, innovations, rules, etc. This is literally the focus of the previous article I linked at the beginning, so I’ll skip the explanation.
You can read the full article for more information.
Cannabis fitness coach
You can even use fitness as a means of coaching people. Cannabis has many benefits for people who like to work up a sweat.
If you’ve trained with cannabis to deal with exercise-related injuries, motivation, relaxation, etc., you may be able to support those looking to lose weight while using cannabis.
It’s not uncommon when you consider that cannabis users, on average, have a lower body mass index than their non-smoking counterparts.
Combine this with the following skills; Diet, fitness, anatomy, all specialized sports, holistic medicine, breath work, yoga, and a range of other body work practices. You have all the right stuff to help people incorporate cannabis into their diet to ensure they are achieving their fitness goals.
Create your own coaching career
There are many specialties that have a specific overlap with cannabis. For now I’ve just provided a few of the more common types of cannabis coaches, but if you have some insight into spiritual practices – just associate cannabis with it and you’ve created a “sniper demographics”.
A sniper demograph is basically a group of people who all have a common interest. For example, cannabis growers have a specific bias when it comes to their buying habits.
They have no problem spending hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars making sure their cannabis is the “richest variety”.
This consumer profile enables you to develop specific skills that will appeal to newbies seeking advice. They already know that they would be willing to spend money on their crafts – if you can actually save money, increase their efficiency, and help them remove clumps of monsters – believe me, people are going to call you!
The sticky end result
The world is a strange new place, and if you have enough imagination, you can make a bold new career in cannabis. Look here in the latest cannabis job exchange for vacancies!
In fact, the cannabis industry will only expand globally. So if you know anything about logistics, packaging, branding, and international law, you can become a coach in the world of cannabis.
Lots of people will be looking for guidance in this brave new cannabis world – will you be the one to show them?
Do you have what it takes to be a cannabis coach? CLICK HERE!
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