Cannabis causes schizophrenia: study – Cannabis | weed | marijuana

Cannabis causes schizophrenia, says a new study led by researchers at the National Institute on Drug Abuse. They collected data from over 6 million people in Denmark. They found an association between 21- to 30-year-old male cannabis users and higher rates of schizophrenia.

Ergo: Cannabis causes schizophrenia.

Cue moral outcry from the public health busybodies. Take this article from the Telegraph. The author reiterates the study’s conclusions that cannabis causes schizophrenia.

That’s why she’s alarmed: “For some, it’s become as habitual as morning coffee.”

The Telegraph writer asks if legalizing cannabis is creating a “psychological epidemic” that is evidence of “another failed experiment by the left.”

Yet this study, its conclusions, and the “journalists” who unquestioningly regurgitate its findings are all caught up in chilling madness.

This study identifies young men with schizophrenia who are self-medicating with cannabis. There is no evidence of causality.

Cannabis causes schizophrenia: study

The study concludes that cannabis causes schizophrenia. But you could also add that something in the Danish tap water is driving 30% of young men crazy.

That’s probably not the case, but why not conclude from that? All this study found is an association, which is then extrapolated to causality.

The study states that “we” could have avoided 30% of cases of schizophrenia if young men had not used cannabis.

Based on the methods used in the study, it can be concluded that this is an example of Science™ where political, social and cultural factors play a more significant role.

The consequences go far beyond the mere misrepresentation of facts. Take the racist story behind cannabis prohibition, for example. Indirectly, this study is rewriting history.

Cannabis prohibition, according to the revised story, is about public health. But since prohibition isn’t working, we need better tools so responsible adults can enjoy a hit while “addicts” get help from the state.

Consider what study co-author and NIDA director Nora Volkow said: “The nexus of substance use disorders and mental illness is a major public health problem that urgently requires action and support for people who need it.” [emphasis added]

In other words, they justify their own existence by demonizing a non-toxic herb that pharmaceutical companies cannot patent.

Nora Volkow Alert

Cannabis causes schizophrenia study

Incidentally, Nora Volkow is not an unbiased researcher who is only interested in “science”.

One look at Volkow’s past statements, and it’s clear she’s never met a drug she liked.

She has written and spoken extensively about the dangers of drugs – including cannabis – while ignoring all potential medical and therapeutic benefits.

NIDA director is not leading an “evidence-based” crusade against the alleged harms of cannabis. like dr Carl Hart writes in Drug Use for Grown-Ups,

Many scientists studying drugs, including some at NIDA, believe that she routinely exaggerates the negative effects that recreational drug use has on the brain and that she essentially ignores any potential positive effects of drug use. But these scientists dare not share that perspective with her, fearing repercussions that could negatively impact their ability to receive grants from their institute, among other professional perks. To put this in perspective, NIDA funds nearly 90 percent of the world’s research focused on the drugs discussed in this book. Nora is a kingmaker. She is also considered tyrannical by some.

The NIDA is biased. This Cannabis Causes Schizophrenia study did not show that cannabis could cause schizophrenia in anyone, let alone young men who were not already predisposed to it.

Limitations of the Cannabis Causes Schizophrenia Study – Definitions

Cannabis causes schizophrenia study

No, cannabis does not cause schizophrenia. Suppose you are predisposed to the disease and start consuming only THC cannabis at a young age. In this case, you will likely trigger an early onset.

This study doesn’t say that. That is the consensus based on relevant data.

But as a congressman once said to Nora Volkow about another cannabis study, “Dr. Volkow, your statement seems to completely ignore a lot of other data.”

Consider the problems with this study. First, they do not define “cannabis use disorder” or CUD. They refer to other studies, but there is no single definition of CUD. One could even argue that CUD isn’t a real thing.

Suppose you have a troubled relationship with cannabis. In this case, it’s likely a symptom of an underlying problem or an assumed preference that you’ve never really unpacked. The pharmacology of the drug has very little – if anything – to do with it.

So one has to assume that the researchers define CUD as habitual, everyday use. However, regular, daily use does not constitute “abuse”.

It also doesn’t even begin to delve into the nuances of different cannabis products. If you consume CBD products every day, does the CUD represent? Or is it just for psychoactive THC? Then why not call it a THC use disorder?

What if you were consuming low-THC weed all week and hitting the strong stuff at the weekend? Is that CDU?

What if you consume THC all day, every day, but are happy and successful in life? Is this still CUD?

Limitations of the Cannabis Causes Schizophrenia Study – Variables

Cannabis causes schizophrenia, says this new study. But the researchers rely on Danish registries, which don’t provide comprehensive reports on a person’s health. This can lead to underreporting of results, misclassification, and bias in study results.

The study “Cannabis causes schizophrenia” also did not take into account confounding variables. What about lifestyle factors and comorbidity?

As already mentioned, the researchers relied on Danish citizens. You cannot extrapolate the results to the rest of the world when different diets, cultures and healthcare systems can affect schizophrenia rates in young male cannabis users.

Limitations of the study – Aren’t male and female brains the same?

Cannabis causes schizophrenia study

This review is a bit of a sidebar, but it’s worth mentioning. According to the researchers, young men are at greater risk than women of developing schizophrenia from cannabis use.

But according to the zeitgeist, there are very few differences between men and women, especially in the brain department.

What is a woman anyway?

Perhaps instead of causing schizophrenia, these people have already suffered and are now self-medicating with cannabis. And according to the data in this study, men tend to find more relief from cannabis than women.

Limitations of the study – joinpoint analysis

Another method used in this Cannabis Causes Schizophrenia study is Joinpoint Analysis. Joinpoint is a statistical method to identify changes or trends. However, the Joinpoint analysis has its critics.

The joinpoint analysis is based on a number of assumptions. We’ve already discussed the lack of a proper CUD definition and Nora Volkow’s anti-cannabis mentality. With this in mind, what assumptions did the researchers make to conclude that cannabis causes schizophrenia?

Some say that joinpoint analysis “overfits” the data, resulting in inaccurate trends. Also, Joinpoint does not provide a comprehensive explanation of trends such as those mentioned above (diet, culture, health care, environmental factors, etc.)

What Does This “Cannabis Causes Schizophrenia” Study Really Prove?

Cannabis causes schizophrenia study

So what does this “cannabis causes schizophrenia” study actually prove? It proves that Nora Volkow is still up for her old tricks. But as far as proving cause and effect goes?

No, young, healthy men are not at risk of schizophrenia from cannabis use.

Perhaps a more rigorous randomized controlled trial or two will demonstrate causality at some point in the future. And then I will eat crow.

But that’s not this study. And if you’re not sure which media outlet to trust in this age of “misinformation” and “fake news,” then this Cannabis Causes Schizophrenia Study is a perfect test.

Does the article repeat its findings verbatim and then propose that the government pass legislation restricting the cannabis market and your freedom?

Do they write that this study proves that cannabis is not benign and that legalization is a “failed left-wing experiment”?

Or do they take the time to read the newspaper? To do real journalism and give you an opinion based on facts?

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