Cannabis and Existentialism – The Revelations of the Stoned

People who smoke cannabis simply see the world differently.

For example, this guy who started smoking cannabis more regularly in his thirties; found himself thinking about his own mortality and the point of it all. The realization that we’re just animals pretending to be civilized, doing shit that will one day fade into the darkness of existence.

This guy is not alone in this. After smoking weed for over twenty years, I have met my fair share of people who experienced “existential awakenings” after using cannabis.

Sometimes these stoned revelations hit you like a sack of rocks while others seep through over time and completely distort your perspective.

Today we’re going to dig deeper into why this is happening and whether or not the fixation on existence is beneficial.

Why is cannabis changing your perspective?

Anything you add to your body will have some effect in your perspective. This includes eating donuts.

Some may argue that when we talk about food or “drugs,” it’s not the same, considering that you have a microbiome that is directly responsive to your diet – and then your choices based on the prevalence of certain bacteria affect your stomach – even your decisions are determined by what you put in your mouth.

Of course, cannabis has a much more profound effect on the mind and psyche – the euphoria associated with the cannabinoid onslaught will definitely influence your decisions, especially when you start thinking about things that are routine.

When you smoke cannabis, you are changing the way you normally deal with the world around you. All of the trillions of data your brain is now processing goes through a different neural configuration.

Perhaps the mere act of relaxing your shoulders from the fear you are carrying is enough to change that perspective. The information no longer goes through the same interpretation logs, which then changes the way you handle the information.

The conscious mind can only process between 50-60 bits of information, which means that all of these subtle changes in the subconscious are compressed.

You experience the “high”, but the unconscious has changed thousands of different ways in which it interacts with information. Basically you are a “changed” being.

Experiencing this temporary neighboring self then expands beyond the typical constructs of the self. You are now experiencing a life outside of your normal self.

In this way, new neural pathways can form that create different protocols of interaction with the content you consume – and ultimately change the idea of ​​who you are.

After all, we are all simply the stories we tell about ourselves.

During these temporary shifts, people receive these revelations about life.

Sure – you may know that we are living beings that live on a rock floating in space – but you may not have been able to break away from the “picture” of this understanding and switch to a more “macro lens”.

Witness who we are over time and how inevitable our current actions are from a cosmological perspective.

These insights will fundamentally change what you think is important. This will translate into behavior and over time will change who you are in accordance with this newly accepted global internalized truth.

Small changes change you completely

We are in the illusion of the static self. “I am” is a fallacy because it indicates persistence. It is true that the “core self” – the being that wears you (the personality) like a mask – remains constant. However, the self (ego) is in constant flux and is just a projection of past and present experiences.

So when you start to change the experience and how you react to those experiences – you start to transform the ego into another reflection.

When you smoke cannabis you are constantly inducing an altered perception of who you are into the great story that maintains the illusion.

As you make these changes within the internal narrative, you begin to act within various self-imposed constraints and slowly begin to explore new ways of doing things.

These new paths create newer possibilities which then continue the evolution of the self over time.

Because of this, the guy from the first example began to fix his own existence in a different light. It influences his decisions and what he thinks is important. When personality stagnates there are tyrants who have to enforce the norms that they believe to be true, as anything inconsistent would mean that what they believe to be true is a lie.

With cannabis, you are able to remove the rigidity of the self and adopt a more fluid concept of the ego. This fluidity enables new avenues of engagement and usually triggers a deeper sense of empathy and tolerance towards others.

When it gets too much!

I have experimented with many different psychedelic substances for many years, and while I don’t take these trips often, I do so with the intention of changing the basic elements of the personality.

However, I do this 2-3 times a year at most, sometimes less.

This is because when you start replacing personal development with drugs, you will end up believing whatever is convenient for you. It is very easy to fall victim to the illusions of the spirit if you do not take the time to incorporate these new truths into your own life.

It takes time to test theories and interact in a new configuration. If you just do this without question, you may hug crystals thinking you can influence the world from your basement because you are “how powerful” you are.

The ego likes to inflate itself, and if you don’t compare enlightenments to others, you end up loving your own bullshit!

Also, if you think on a cosmological level – existentialism – you can see yourself over time and compare it to the universe itself. You get small and the universe gets big.

That’s fine, but it helps to dissolve the ego – you need to look inward as well. It’s not just about what’s outside that needs to be explored, but also about “what’s inside”.

The journey outward and the journey inward are endless – finding balance is key to avoiding being consumed by thoughts that may plague you.

Of course, this only touches the tips of this iceberg, but it should be more than enough to get your brain tinkering with these ideas.

Community question:

How has cannabis fundamentally changed you for the better?




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