Can you travel to the United States with cannabis? – Hemp | weed | marijuana

Can you travel to the United States of America with cannabis? While states like Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and Washington do may have legalized it, cannabis is still banned federally.

As such, cannabis may be legal in some states. However, according to Washington DC, it is still a controlled substance

(Although residents of the District of Columbia voted to legalize it in 2015, Congress has barred them from retail access, creating a robust gray market).

It may be legal to possess and use cannabis within the borders of a legal state, but it is illegal to transport cannabis across state lines.

What about flies?

So you can’t travel from Colorado to Washington with legal cannabis. But what if you fly on a direct flight? They would take off from one rule of law and land in another. So what’s the problem?

Unfortunately, even a direct flight from Colorado to Washington is considered border crossing. Airports and airlines are federally regulated. Therefore, they are subject to federal law.

As with crossing the border into Canada from a legal state, you will face penalties if you have cannabis. Federal agencies consider borders their jurisdiction.

But what if you fly within Colorado, for example?

Or any other rule of law? Therefore, you do not cross state borders.

Traveling with cannabis within Colorado (ie crossing state lines) is valid and legal. When it comes to air travel, a lot depends on the type of flight. And where you will do it.

For example, LAX has said they won’t be looking for people under an ounce.

However, most airports are federally owned. And like the border, federal law will override state law, even if it’s unconstitutional.

With cannabis, you can theoretically travel by plane within the United States. If it’s a small chartered private plane and you know the pilot, chances are no one will be snooping around your pockets.

But that’s a rare case. And technically not legal. In most cases, you will receive the Chicago treatment.

O’Hare International Airport has “Pot Amnesty” boxes at the security checkpoints. The idea is that travelers who may have arrived with legal cannabis products and were unaware they couldn’t be flown have a safe place to dispose of their goods.

The boxes belong to the City of Chicago and the police are maintaining them.

But when it comes to getting caught by security guards like the TSA, your experiences may vary. The TSA website states, “TSA security officers do not search for marijuana or other illegal drugs.”

Traveling with cannabis in the United States – Different rules between states

Can you travel to the United States with cannabis?

All the different regulations between the legal states make it even more difficult for traveling with cannabis in the United States.

For example, in California, you are allowed to carry up to one ounce of cannabis. In Colorado, it’s two ounces. In Maine it’s three ounces.

And these rules are subject to change. However, since crossing state lines with cannabis is considered illegal, technically you shouldn’t have to worry about how much cannabis you’re carrying. Authorities say any amount is too much.

Wait – is it really illegal to drive from New York to New Jersey with cannabis?

Yes. If you work in NYC, pick up some weed for the night, and then drive across the George Washington Bridge or through the Lincoln Tunnel to return to your home in New Jersey, you’ve committed a federal offense.

Transportation of cannabis across state lines is considered a federal offense as cannabis is still a controlled substance under federal law.

But doesn’t that violate states’ rights?

Yes, but thanks to this “trade clause” Washington DC has every opportunity to undermine state sovereignty.

What about medicinal cannabis or CBD?

Can you travel to the United States with cannabis?

Can you travel to the United States with cannabis if it is medicinal or legal CBD? Technically yes, but there are a few things to consider.

As long as your CBD product contains no more than 0.3 percent THC, it’s legal to fly with. This is because CBD is legal at the federal level thanks to the Farm Bill of 2018.

(If your CBD is in liquid form, you’re still bound by the airline’s or TSA’s carry-on baggage policy, which is currently in place).

What about medicinal cannabis?

This area is a bit trickier as there is no official federal government medicinal cannabis program. Thus, the TSA cannot verify an official “medical cannabis ID card”.

In general, you cannot travel with medicinal cannabis on a domestic flight. Since even medical cannabis is considered a controlled substance by US federal agencies.

Even if you are assured that a TSA agent will not confiscate your medicinal cannabis, some airlines, such as American Airlines, have banned all cannabis, including medicinal cannabis, on flights.

Can you travel to the United States with cannabis?

Short answer, no. You can drive from place to place within a legal state. And you may be able to travel cannabis within the United States on a chartered private plane. But in general, you don’t want to cross state lines with cannabis. Even if you move from one legal state to another.

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