Can you get high from THC stored in your body fat?

This article originally appeared on and has been republished with permission.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) accumulates in adipose tissue and can remain there for months. Although this may serve as a stumbling block for those subjected to frequent testing, athletes can be pleased with the results of THC elimination from the fat in their bodies.

Traces of water-soluble substances such as alcohol disappear from the body within a few hours. But in the case of fat-soluble THCs, they tend to hang around a lot longer and are sometimes welcomed longer. Although high levels of THC in fat cells pose a mild problem for most people, it could theoretically increase the likelihood of testing positive for cannabis use.

Photo by Victor Freitas via Unsplash

Duration of THC in the system

The ability to conserve fat has a crucial evolutionary purpose. In the past, our ability to store extra energy in the form of fat meant there was an internal supply of fuel to rely on when the long winter hit. For most, a long winter never comes. Thus, the accumulation of adipose tissue acts as a storage bank for THC. By relying on carbohydrates as their primary source of energy, many people never actually burn fat and therefore take a long time to get rid of all traces of THC.

There is no certainty as to how long it will take for THC to leave the body. It depends on a variety of determinants, the most important of which is the strength of the cannabis ingested and the speed at which it was ingested. Anyone who consumes 90% THC shatter daily will likely accumulate far more than someone who smokes regular bud almost every day, for example.

The metabolism of the individual should also be considered. Diet, weight, body fat percentage, and activity level all affect the metabolism of THC. People who are muscular, lean and consume larger amounts of fat are more likely to eliminate THC faster. In contrast, people with higher body fat percentage and lower activity levels need more time.

THC metabolites

THC elimination rates in a range of consumers were analyzed in a 2014 study published in Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology. During the research, researchers observed that different THC metabolites persist for different lengths of time. To test this, the researchers had subjects smoke a single joint. After testing, they found that serum levels of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) typically remain below the detection threshold for twelve hours. Regardless, its main metabolite, 11-nor-9-carboxy-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THCCOOH), remains detectable in serum for about a week and in urine for about two weeks.

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Both THC and THCCOOH can remain detectable in the blood of frequent cannabis users for almost a month. The prolonged recognition times are related to the accumulation and subsequent slow release of the THC from the fat cells.

THC levels and body fat in athletes

The THC contained in the fat cells gradually diffuses into the blood over time. Regardless, the rate of this diffusion increases under circumstances that promote fat utilization, such as B. Exercise and fasting. In either case, after depleting glycogen levels, the body turns to fat for energy. In the case of athletes, this means their THC plasma levels can rise during exercise. The results of such an increase are twofold. First, if the athlete uses cannabis before training, they are likely to feel the collective effect of the THC produced by the fat cells and the THC previously consumed. Second, a positive result could be triggered by the increased plasma levels, even though the athlete has not used cannabis for a long time.

the exercisePhoto by Alexander Redl via Unsplash

How exercise contributes to increased THC plasma concentrations has been studied. Fourteen regular cannabis smokers exercised on a stationary bike for 35 minutes in both the fasted and full states. The researchers observed that the subjects had a statistically significant increase in plasma THC levels along with increased glycerol and plasma FFA levels.

Intriguingly, exercise appeared to be the most important contributor to the elevated THC plasma levels, as the researchers observed that fasting provided no significant difference in plasma cannabinoid levels. Regarding the likelihood of returning a positive test, the researchers suggested that the translation of THC blood levels in workplace and roadside testing could be disrupted by recent exercise. The subjects used in the study were regular cannabis users. THC levels stored in adipose tissue tended to be higher.

Runner’s high redefined

There is a striking similarity between the chemical structure of THC and that of anandamide, a fatty acid neurotransmitter released during exercise. Named after Ananda, the Sanskrit word for bliss, it shares certain similarities with THC, often leading to the enhanced mood associated with a runner’s high.

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Along with the anandamide levels, the THC secreted by the fat cells contributes to higher plasma levels of happy compounds. Both act on CB1 and CB2 receptors in the same way, producing an amplified effect where athletes may experience a greater sense of well-being, also known as “runner’s high” among runners.

Is CBD also stored in fat cells?

CBD is also fat-soluble. When consumed, the body stores the excess amounts of the cannabinoid in adipose tissue, as is the case with THC. This rarely becomes an issue when it comes to testing. The reason for this is the fact that CBD is non-intoxicating and regular urine tests only look for THC metabolites.

bottom line

Burning more fat for fuel is the best way to help the body remove THC from fat cells. Fasting and exercise are common, but so are dietary changes. By reducing carbohydrate consumption and consuming more dietary fat, our body’s primary source of energy is switched to fat. Over time, the stored THC is also released through the subsequent fat metabolism. There doesn’t seem to be any negative cons, such as B. a re-poisoning, by THC stored in fat cells. Still, those prone to regular testing should be aware of this.

This article originally appeared on and has been republished with permission.

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