Can you freeze weed? – The fresh toast
When cannabis is dried and cured, its potency is at its highest. Over time, weed loses its potency, especially when exposed to light and heat. Many different methods have been developed to prevent the potency of cannabis from decreasing. One such method is to store weed in the freezer.
If you are buying cannabis in bulk and/or harvesting a healthy supply of home grown cannabis, you may be looking for ways to preserve its potency. Freezing grass may be an option for you.
What happens when you put weed in the freezer?
When you put weed in the freezer, you stop the breakdown process – the process by which cannabis loses its potency. A 1999 study by researchers at the University of Mississippi found that the THC in cannabis decreases by an average of 1/6 within the first year. You found this after:
- Within a year, the potency of cannabis decreases by 16.6%
- After two years, the potency of cannabis decreases by 26.8
- Three years, the potency of cannabis decreases by 34.5%
- After four years, the potency of cannabis decreases by 41.4%
Does it keep weed when put in the freezer?
Putting weed in the freezer preserves it. When properly stored in a freezer, the cannabis degradation process is almost completely stopped.
This is good news for anyone looking to store their weed for a long period of time without worrying about its potency. However, there are some things you should know before you put your weed in the freezer.
The first thing to know is that you shouldn’t store your weed in the freezer for long periods of time. If you do this, the quality of your weed will suffer. This is because every time you take it out of the freezer and put it back in, the thawing and refreezing will affect the quality of your weed.
To avoid this, only store your weed in the freezer for a short time—no longer than a few months.
Second, you should store your weed in an airtight, freezer-safe container before placing it in the freezer. This protects your weed from being exposed to too much moisture, which can affect quality.
RELATED: What Does Good Weed Look Like?
You should also make sure to label your container with the date you put it in the freezer. That way you know how long it’s been in and can consume accordingly.
Finally, when you’re ready to use your frozen weed, make sure to thaw it slowly by letting it sit at room temperature for a few hours. Do not microwave or try to rush the process in any way as this will affect the quality of your weed.
Photo by Daria Shevtsova via Pexels
When thawing your frozen weed, make sure it dries completely, otherwise mold can form along with mold and other bacteria. Use within a week or two. After that, the quality of your weed will drop.
If you’ve been wondering, “Can I store my weed in the freezer?” you now know that freezing your cannabis will help preserve the potency of your weed.
Can you freeze CBD oil?
Now that you know you can freeze weed, you might also be wondering, “Can you freeze CBD oil?”
The shelf life of CBD oil is around two years. After two years, the oil tends to become cloudy, thick, and clumpy. Just like consuming an old edible, consuming old CBD oil can make you ill.
Much like fresh cannabis flowers, CBD oil should be stored away from sunlight and direct heat. This will help him maintain his potency. “Freezing” CBD oil can extend its shelf life, but it’s important to note that oil doesn’t freeze like water. Putting CBD oil in a freezer will change its viscosity and prevent it from going bad sooner, but it also makes the oil difficult to use once it’s removed from the freezer.
Can you freeze edibles?
Just like cannabis flower and CBD oil, food can be stored in the freezer. The main difference between freezing flowers, oil and edibles is that edibles contain additional food ingredients that are susceptible to bacteria. If you have an abundance of edibles, it’s a good idea to freeze your extras right away to prevent them from spoiling.
Cheri Sicard, author of The Cannabis Gourmet Cookbook, says: “Freezing edibles makes sense. You can control portions and save the rest when you need them… Freezing cannabis brownies and marijuana butter can extend their shelf life by about six months.”
RELATED: What Makes Weed So Sticky? And is it a good thing?
When freezing edibles, it’s important to remember that they become harder and more brittle. For this reason, it’s best to wrap them individually before placing them in the freezer. This will prevent them from sticking together and breaking when you try to remove them.
To keep track of how long an edible has been in your freezer, mark the date on your edible.
How to Freeze Edible Gummy Bears
To freeze edible gummy bears, place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Make sure the rubber bands don’t touch each other. Place the baking sheet in the freezer for 1-2 hours or until the gummies are frozen. Once frozen, place them in an airtight container and store in the freezer. Consume your THC gummies within six months of freezing.
Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels
Does Freezing Harm THC?
It’s perfectly normal to be concerned about damaging the cannabinoid content of your weed. The number one thing that causes damage to THC is improper storage. Improper storage degrades THC. As discussed above, researchers at the University of Mississippi found that THC loses 16.6% of its potency within the first year.
Is there any point in putting weed in the freezer?
Freezing cannabis is helpful in preventing THC degradation as it reduces potency loss to around 4%. Freezing fresh bud can harm THC by making it more fragile. If bumped, the crystallized trichomes can break off more easily, causing your flower to lose some of its strength. Additionally, if your weed is thawed too quickly, it can cause a lot of moisture, making it susceptible to mold.
It’s important to remember that freezing weed is not a perfect solution to extend its shelf life. Your cannabis will still break down – just not as fast. Because of this, it’s best to use frozen weed within a few months.
Start your cannabis wellness journey
Have you started your cannabis wellness journey? Jointly is a new cannabis wellness app to help discover purposeful cannabis use so you can achieve your wellness goals with cannabis and CBD. In the Jointly app, you can find new cannabis products, rate products based on how well they’ve helped you achieve your goals, and track and optimize 15 factors that can impact your cannabis experience. These 15 factors include your dose, the environment you use cannabis in, who you are with when you take it, how hydrated you are, the quality of your diet, how much sleep you got last night, and more. Download the Jointly app on the App Store or Google Play Store to start your cannabis wellness journey.
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