Can you ask your doctor for a cannabis prescription instead of painkillers?
It’s totally understandable to be skeptical about prescription pain medications. America’s opioid crisis continues to claim record numbers of lives while many others live quietly and addicted to painkillers.
If you get injured or need surgery, you’re likely to feel pain. Also, you may not want to be involved with potentially addictive painkillers when they are on the market. Marijuana like we’ve done before reported, can be a great alternative to opioids. But will your doctor prescribe weed instead of painkillers?
Healthcare professionals cannot actually prescribe marijuana because the federal government still considers marijuana a drug Annex 1 Drug. In other words, your doctor can’t just throw away your opioid prescription and fill out a new one for medical marijuana. However, depending on your state, the doctor may be able to help you use marijuana as a medical therapy for your recovery. The bigger question is, is your doctor willing to sign off on this?
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Be honest with your doctor
There’s no point in beating around the bush or trying to fool your doctor. You’ve seen it all and you can spot a liar. If you want marijuana instead of other painkillers, just make your case.
The current opioid crisis in the country is no secret. A doctor is likely to be much more receptive to a patient who is honest about not wanting to use opioids and instead prefers the marijuana route. If you’re afraid of the dangers of opioids or their side effects – speak up. This does not guarantee you a Medical marijuana cardbut it does open a dialogue on alternative treatments.
Being honest about your marijuana use can also help you before surgery and during treatment. Your doctor needs to know if you use marijuana and, if so, how much. “In order to know what medications to use and how much, your doctor needs to know in advance how much and how often you will use marijuana,” the statement said Harvard.
Please investigate
As you prepare to earn your doctor’s blessing on marijuana to relieve your pain, it’s important to know the facts. This isn’t always easy, as medical research into marijuana continues to struggle as it’s illegal at the federal level. In fact, it is this lack of research that is preventing physicians and organizations from wholeheartedly embracing medical marijuana today.
That CDCsaid for example, “Although pain management is one of the most common reasons people use medical marijuana in the United States, there is limited evidence that marijuana is effective in treating most types of acute or chronic pain.” If you So coming to your doctor with information, studies, and valid reasons for wanting to use marijuana instead of other pain relievers is a great way to stop your doctor from telling you that “there just isn’t enough information out there.”
RELATED: How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Your State
Keep in mind that doctors have a wealth of knowledge, but medical marijuana and its benefits is a very new science and not all medical professionals are up to date with the latest developments.
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Listen to your doctor’s advice
At the end of the day, remember that your doctor is giving you an informed opinion and you should not dismiss it. Medical opinions and treatment plans should be respected to avoid unnecessary risks. If your doctor doesn’t endorse marijuana as a substitute for pain medication, take this advice seriously.
RELATED: Ask a Doctor: Can I Trust My Doctor Not to Judge My Marijuana Use?
Remember, you can also get a second opinion if your doctor doesn’t support your desire to use medical marijuana. After all, acc NORMALMore than two-thirds of medical professionals believe marijuana can be used medicinally.
If you find several medical professionals telling you that marijuana is not the answer, you should heed their advice. Finally, marijuana is not a “cure-all”. Some medical conditions require specific treatment plans that do not involve cannabis.
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