Can marijuana give you a break from all the drama?

It's a summer full of political news, student protests, family reunions and everyday drama – can marijuana help with a temporary break?

This summer will be filled with breaking political news as the presidential election takes place in the fall. Add monitors wars and protests on campus, and conversations with some people could be full of drama. And summer is the time for family reunions, birthdays, weddings or a Fourth of July picnic, it can be stressful. Can marijuana provide a break from all the drama? The answer is hell yes! And you will feel better than if you drank too much alcohol.

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While taking a break, breathing, or taking a walk can be helpful, sometimes you can feel overwhelmed. Avoid putting yourself in these situations by reducing your news and social media exposure, setting boundaries with certain people, and practicing other healthy habits. In some situations a quick and easy solution is required. Cannabis can provide temporary relief as it has been proven to help with anxiety. To use this tool, you need to know a few things and not rely too much on it as a solution.

Photo by Anton Petrus/Getty Images

Part of the way marijuana calms you is through the active cannabinoid THC. It works through Cannabinoid receptors, the activates the brain's reward system. These include regions that control responses to healthy, pleasant behaviors. It also adjusts time perception, making movies and music sound better because you can stop and really take in the moment.

The younger generation has taken advantage of consumption methods to have marijuana on the go. E-cigarettes are the second most popular method of use, and trends show that they will soon be the first and most popular method of use. Like gummy bears (the third most popular form of consumption), it is simple, discreet and portable for people with an active lifestyle. You can also control the dosage so that you don't get too high or suddenly find yourself stuck on the couch.

When done correctly, a high, even a moderate one, can last 2-10 hours. Smoking a joint delivers the fastest and most powerful effects, while smoking a gummy takes 30-45 minutes, but the dosage is much easier to control. Steaming is a way to maintain constant relaxation.

RELATED: 8 Ways to Enjoy Marijuana Without Smoking It

One good thing about giving ourselves a “time out” and breathing out from the drama is that it has a positive impact on our mental and physical health.

A recent survey showed

  • One in five people had lost sleep because of politics
  • 20 percent said they feel tired because of political news
  • 29 percent said they lost their temper because of politics
  • A quarter said they felt hateful toward people with opposing political views
  • For more than 20 percent, political differences have affected their friendships

However you do it, be aware of where you are and make sure you don't allow outside forces to destroy your happiness and joy in each day.

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