Can Hemp End the War? – Hemp | weed | marijuana

Can hemp end the war between Russia and Ukraine? Probably not, as Russia’s claim to Ukrainian territory dates back centuries.

The war today is the result of several things.

For one thing, bad Soviet policies of the 1960s gifted Ukraine with Russian-speaking regions. Which didn’t matter at the time, because everyone was under the control of the Kremlin.

With the collapse of the USSR, Russia and Ukraine became two separate nations.

Being two separate nations was not a problem as NATO had agreed not to move its borders eastward.

Of course, they didn’t keep that promise. Instead of treating Ukraine as a buffer state, both Russia and NATO played political games.

(One can argue that NATO was the aggressor, but considering we are dealing with monopolies on the use of force, I admit that nobody is right because the state itself is an illegitimate institution.)

Long story short, Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. Whether it’s justified is up for debate, but it’s certainly not “unprovoked,” as the corporate press has reiterated.

Elon Musk tweeted a sensible peace strategy. It recognizes what Russia is saying, but also that Ukraine is a sovereign country that should not punish Russia for the past decisions of Soviet politicians.

Of course, peace is not an option.

Musk was mocked and told to stay in his lane. “Foreign politicians” have it under control like Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Pakistan or Afghanistan.

But back to our question – can hemp end the war? Probably not, because unlike when America goes to war, this isn’t about oil.

What is Russia doing anyway? War is not how to take over a country

Russia is locked in a 19th-century style territorial dispute. Haven’t they learned to observe China or America? If you want to take over a country, it’s a simple process.

  1. They come in with suits, pens, and briefcases, not tanks, guns, and bombs.
  2. They are offering a huge loan to the country’s leaders. In return, your contractors will develop the country’s natural resources.
  3. The interest payments on the loan are so high that you are legally entitled to take your funds as collateral for the debt. (This is legal as defined by the IMF and World Bank. Institutions set up by the same actors offering the loan.)
  4. Make sure the country’s military dictator is well funded because you don’t want the people to rebel and take back what is rightfully theirs.

Through this process, America took over the world after 1945. And now China is doing the same.

America tried to play this game in Ukraine. They almost succeeded. The democratically elected pro-Russian government of Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown in 2014 by neo-Nazis funded by Western governments.

The current leader of Ukraine is an entertainer. Literally. He is an actor. It is a valuable propaganda tool for the West. Without Western technology, weapons and money, Ukraine would have fallen months ago.

Ukraine is the proxy through which America asserts its dominance over Russia. The end goal, of course, is to install a pro-Western leader, as they did with Boris Yeltsin.

Then they will turn their eyes to China.

Because that’s what empires do. The power-hungry sociopaths who run them are the ones who should be on the front lines of this war.

Will hemp end the war?

Think what’s happening here. There are at least sides to this conflict.

A country where 60% of the population identify themselves as Christians. And a cluster of countries promoting child mutilation in the name of “diversity.”

A country that, rightly or wrongly, wants to trace back its national borders to an earlier time.

Or a collection of countries that routinely subvert national sovereignty when it serves their interests. A system that devalues ​​human lives in the name of corporate profits and power.

No state is justified. At its core, taxation is an act of aggression. Therefore, the real solution here is not pro-Russian or pro-NATO, or even compromise, as Elon Musk has suggested.

There is only one real solution here: to undermine the state as a credible and justified institution. And the restoration of human liberty and private property rights.

Can Hemp End the War?

So with that in mind, yes, hemp can end war. If not this war, then at least wars over oil and other sources of energy.

Hemp is the most sustainable crop in the world. It does not require any pesticides. It needs very little water. Above all, it returns nutrients to the topsoil.

We only have enough leftover crops for modern monoculture to destroy our topsoil. If you think food prices are high now, wait until we literally can’t grow anything anymore.

Hemp fixes this problem, as does grass-fed cattle farming.

The current world market for hemp already consists of more than 25,000 products. These include textiles, automotive goods, furniture, food, beverages, paper, building materials, agriculture, recycling, personal care and much more.

We’ve only scratched the surface of what hemp can do.

That’s fine with Westerners who are fed up with their “democratic” governments waging war on their behalf (with their money).

But what about the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine?

Will cannabis use end the war?

Can Hemp End the War?

I’ve said this before, and I mean it: someone close to these “world leaders” needs to drug them. I’m talking hefty doses of the strongest LSD on the market.

Or, if it’s easier, an edible cannabis.

Everyone who uses cannabis agrees – it’s tremendously useful for introspection. You will see a problem or situation with new eyes.

When you let the therapeutic properties of cannabis work, you may have thoughts that you don’t agree with. You will leave the experience with a clearer understanding.

Of course set and setting are important. When someone gives cannabis or LSD to Putin or Biden, it can make them even more paranoid and prone to irrationality.

So, can cannabis or hemp end the war? Not alone. But a free and fair hemp market has tremendous potential to undermine the corporate-state war machine.

However, this requires people to see themselves as sovereign individuals. Putting their family and community first before swearing allegiance to a country or a sports team.

From “Wear your mask” to “Get the bump” to “I support Ukraine,” the idea of ​​the free-thinking individual has been blown out the window.

Too many people, including stoners, support the current cause.

It’s like the personality cult of the old communist regimes. Instead of images of Stalin or Mao we must adore, it’s 15 minutes of glory for every recent issue that the corporate press has deemed worthy of our time.

But it’s a distraction – a decoy to keep some very uncomfortable people in power.

footnote(s) elonmusk/status/1576969255031296000

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