Can CBD save you from allergy season with itchy eyes and runny nose????
From flooding in Florida to Washington, spring doesn’t seem close, but allergy season is just around the corner. It seems cruel to wear a heavy cut and dodge the crazy weather while enduring a stuffy nose, runny eyes and more.
There are ways to help with this difficult transition. First, make sure you don’t have a cold. Cold and allergy are two completely different things. While the common cold is caused by viruses, seasonal allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to an allergen. Still, colds and allergies can share some symptoms, such as a runny nose, sneezing, and congestion. Other symptoms, such as body aches and fever, are not associated with allergies, and the itchy eyes that are common with an allergic reaction are rare with a common cold.
By stocking up on CBD now, you may be able to avoid some of your usual problems. It turns out, CBD can stop your cells from releasing histamineswhich means less sneezing, wheezing and all those other annoying symptoms.
One way to get through the flowering season is to find out what CBD can and can’t do for your springtime allergies.
CBD can help block histamines
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As mentioned above, CBD can help stop your mast cells (which are responsible for allergic reactions) from releasing histamines. Normally when you are allergic to something outside like pollen or grass, your body’s immune system activates a chain reaction to release histamines as a form of protection. Unfortunately, this also leads to many allergy symptoms. But allergy medications act as antihistamines, and CBD does essentially the same thing. That means fewer sneezes, coughs, and watery eyes—even as the pollen season progresses.
CBD is anti-inflammatory
What does inflammation have to do with allergies, you ask? Well, if you’re allergic to pollen, for example, being around pollen causes inflammation and swelling of the lining of your nose and the protective lining of your eyes. So, why you feel “stuffed” and why your eyes water. CBD is an anti-inflammatoryso that you can get through the season unscathed.
It can help with skin rashes and eczema
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Add to the misery of a stuffy head unsightly blemishes on the body as the short sleeve season is the worst! Rashes and eczema due to allergies can be downright miserable and stubborn to resolve quickly. CBD soothes the skin, helps with itching and reduces inflammation. That’s why you see it in so many topical products now. If you live with eczema or have a rash or itching due to the seasonal weather, you should look to a CBD topical cream for some relief.
However, it is not a cure
Keep in mind that CBD can do a lot to relieve your allergy symptoms. Unfortunately it is not a cure. Don’t go off your usual allergy meds and make sure to keep up with those allergy shots. Talk to your doctor if you’re not sure what medications you need to feel better.
And make sure you don’t fall for the myths about seasonal allergies. Get advice you can trust
and know that cut flowers aren’t a trigger, local honey doesn’t fight allergies, and rain doesn’t wash everything away.
May you start breathing better this spring!
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