Can cannabis protect you from the cognitive warfare battle that is currently taking place?
Can cannabis vaccinate you against the cognitive warfare that is currently taking place?
Cognitive Warfare – by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek (substack.com)
We are in volatile times. The last two years have taken their toll on the collective mind, body and spirit of humanity. We no longer trust the media, the institutions designed to protect us, and many have drawn imaginary lines of “difference” between themselves and their neighbors.
Many of us have a hard time understanding how the hell we got here?
How did the conspiracy theorists get so much “right”? Are we truly entering a dystopian future, enslaved by the elite in a neo-corporate feudal system… where you must prove how many times you’ve been “boosted” against the recent alarming pandemic before you can enjoy basic human freedoms like travel or eating in your favorite restaurant?
These are all narratives that have been circulating the internet and have plagued conspiracy theorists for decades. Only recently has the possibility of such a future become mainstream due to the tyrannical reactions of Western leaders and their loyalty to elite clubs trying to mold the world in their image.
The uncertainty, the looming fear, the volatile news cycles – could all of this be part of a war strategy called “Cognitive Warfare”? as described by NATO;
“In cognitive warfare, the human mind becomes the battlefield. The goal is not just to change what people think, but how they think and act. Used successfully, it shapes and influences individual and group beliefs and behaviors Favor an attacker’s tactical or strategic goals. In its extreme form, it has the potential to fracture and splinter an entire society so that it no longer has the collective will to resist an adversary’s intentions.
“The goals of cognitive warfare can be limited with short time horizons. Or they can be strategic, with campaigns launched over the course of decades. Several consecutive campaigns could be launched with the long-term goal of destroying entire societies or alliances by sRaise doubts about governance, undermine democratic processes, spark civil unrest or incite separatist movements.
“Cognitive warfare integrates cyber, informational, psychological, and social engineering capabilities to achieve its goals.
“[Cognitive Warfare] seeks to sow doubt, introduce conflicting narratives, polarize opinion, radicalize groups and motivate them to take actions that can disrupt or fragment an otherwise cohesive society. Social networking sites induce social proofing, where we mimic and validate the actions and beliefs of others to fit into our social groups, which become echo chambers of conformism and groupthink. – SOURCE: Cognitive Warfare – by Karen Hunt
Karen Hunt’s article is a must read! This is just one aspect of the article and will help put much of what is happening in this world into perspective.
The fact is that when looking objectively at what is going on, through the lens of warfare, the mind really is the ultimate battleground. Can you honestly say that you “trust” the media or your government? Certainly there are some who would say yes, but we are at a point where the vast majority of people feel disenfranchised by their leadership, subservient to the agendas of the rich and powerful.
However, understanding that the mind is the ultimate battleground – and knowing that the CIA tried to use cannabis as a mind control tool only to find the opposite effect – I wondered if cannabis would vaccinate you against this type of mental warfare as well could.
“Turn on, turn on, get off”
Timothy Leary famously said: “Turn on, Tune in, Drop out” and according to Bill Minutalgio & Steven L. Davis was called the “most dangerous man in America”. Leary had escaped prison after being arrested for two cannabis joints and jailed for 10 years. Leary was a Harvard professor and an outspoken representative of an increasingly strong counterculture.
But what Leary meant by his infamous “turn on, turn on, turn off” quote is a call to awaken consciousness. Leary also designed the 8 Circuits of Consciousness, which is a map of how human consciousness imprints itself into hierarchical orders. Robert Anton Wilson talks about it at length in his book Prometheus Rising.
The point I’m trying to make here is that when it comes to Cognitive Warfare, your participation is absolutely essential. For warfare to work, you must log in and respond emotionally. Leary found that emotional action is one of the lowest expressions of consciousness.
“Emotions are the lowest form of consciousness. Emotional actions are the most contracted, confining, and dangerous form of behavior. Emotions are caused by biochemical secretions in the body to serve during the acute state of emergency. An emotional person is a blind, insane lunatic. Emotions are addictive and numbing and numbing.
The emotional man cannot think; he cannot take an effective game action (except for acts of physical aggression and strength). The emotional person is turned off sensually. His body is a non-stop working robot. […]
The only state in which we can learn, harmonize, grow, merge, connect, understand is in the absence of emotions. This is called bliss or ecstasy, achieved by centering the emotions” – Timothy Leary
Turn on
In my view, switching on means becoming “an active observer” of the self. It’s about becoming aware of your own actions and thoughts, becoming aware of where your attention rests.
In this aspect, cannabis can help, as I explained in my article on mindfulness toking. This is the first step to being able to stop cognitive warfare, because when you become aware of your own thoughts and actions, you also become aware of thoughts and actions that are not your own – and then you have a choice, like you react .
Turn on
This aspect of the quote refers to “what frequency you are tuned to.” In other words, where do you spend your consciousness? Robert Anton Wilson once wrote; “What the Thinker Thinks, the Prover Proves,” which basically eludes how our subconscious interacts with reality when we engage in certain “reality tunnels.”
Related to Cognitive Warfare – those who engage in these tactics want you to fall victim to certain narratives to increase the number of focal points in your life. For example, if you believe that there are people out there out there who are out to get your money and steal everything you have, your subconscious will start looking for “evidence” to support that idea.
Therefore, “attunement” is what you can do by attuning your conscious awareness to what you want to see more of and reducing what you don’t want to see
Get out!
Finally, you need to step out of the mainstream narrative. The media, the corporate press, the politicians all fabricate stories to influence your behavior. Her superpower is Non-Engagement. This doesn’t mean you ignore actual threats to your life, but it does mean that you stop reacting emotionally to those issues by realizing that you are in control of what your attention is on.
While the World Economic Forum may be pushing an agenda called “The Great Reset,” once you face the narrative, stepping out of the narrative is as easy as doing something entirely different. For example, “The Great Reset” is also the name of a breathwork meditation I created in response to the WEF agenda. This is meant to disrupt the narratives and reclaim your spirit.
bottom line
While cannabis can help you disrupt internal and external automation, it cannot do this on its own. You must actively work to protect your mind from invasive narratives designed to demoralize, ostracize, and ridicule the individual.
In a world where people push war, we must push peace.
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