Can cannabis help with a broken heart?
Life is full of ups and downs, but nothing seems as bad as a breakup. Whether it’s a first true love, that connection you think you’ve finally gotten right, or a long-term type of relationship, figuring out where we’re going — it hurts, and sometimes it hurts a lot. Days of self-blame, eating too much or too little, tears, no sleep, no smiles, no joy. Well, while consuming will help heal the pain, gently moving to a better place might help.
A broken heart can cause intense emotional pain. According to a study, people experience the same brain activity when experiencing both emotional and physical pain. This means that the body reacts to a heartbreak as if you would literally break your heart.
Photos by Jessie Moore
However, cannabis could help you deal with this emotional stress. When consuming marijuana, cannabinoids are released, which the body naturally produces to help control your mood. As you go through the stages of accepting loss, your body and mind are not sending any instruction for your body to relax. It can help stimulate a healthy balance of cannabinoids in the brain, allowing one to have relative control over how much sadness one feels.
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The CB1 receptor in the brain is triggered by the consumption of cannabis, which also gives a feeling of euphoria or happiness. Cannabis has THC levels that stimulate the chemical compounds in the brain that control mood, emotions, and behavioral attitudes. THC itself can increase the amount of “happy” chemicals released into the body.
Prescription pills also produce dopamine, but cannabis is natural and a safer choice. There are no strong side effects like those found in most prescription pills. And there are fewer chances for dependency. The beauty of marijuana is that in small doses it can help, there is no need for blackouts, drunken scenes, etc. You can just relax and listen to your favorite music and fall in love with yourself all over again.
Once you’re on emotionally stable ground, consider going for a walk, hanging out with friends, and forming a wonderful relationship with yourself. A strong you makes us stronger.
Photo by rawpixel.com
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Remember that it is dangerous to become overly dependent on anything to help you when you are in a difficult situation. Heartbreak is a terrible pain and most people want to avoid it at all costs, including depending on what relieves the pain.
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