Can cannabis cause psychosis? – Hemp | weed | marijuana
Can cannabis cause psychosis? Public health busybodies will list negative aspects of cannabis as an argument either against legalization or in favor of the “public health” legalization model (which, in the case of Canada, was a complete failure).
So if you’re playing public health bingo, you can label psychosis alongside anxiety, depression, cardiovascular disease, and other cannabis-related “harms.”
Of course, only 0.047% of cannabis users seek medical help for psychosis. So what is the reason for this belief? Or is it just chilling madness repackaged as Science™?
Can cannabis cause psychosis? What is psychosis?
Can cannabis cause psychosis?
Psychosis is a mental illness characterized by loss of contact with reality. People suffering from it usually have symptoms such as delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking and behavior, and difficulty with social interaction and communication.
People suffering from this condition may believe that someone is trying to harm them. They may also think that they have superhuman powers, such as reading minds, for example.
(According to Google’s definition, a symptom of psychosis is not trusting the government).
Someone with psychosis may also experience auditory hallucinations or perceive things that aren’t there. Disturbed thinking and behavior can result in incoherent sentences and bizarre behavior.
Psychosis is not just one thing. It can include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and clinical depression. But it can also be the product of medications or diseases. There is no cure, but many treatment options, including medication and therapy, can help.
Now, just like other drugs, Cannabis can induce a transient psychosis. The same goes for alcohol, amphetamines, antidepressants, steroids, hallucinogens like acid and mushrooms, tranquilizers, and even caffeine.
The research is pretty conclusive: if you already have or are developing psychosis, using any of the above substances, including cannabis, will make the problem worse.
Those people at risk for “cannabis-induced psychosis” are already predisposed to the mental health condition.
It’s like stopping everyone from going outside in the sun because some people are predisposed to skin cancer.
Can cannabis cause psychosis in adolescents?
Can cannabis cause psychosis? No, there is no evidence that otherwise healthy people go insane when using cannabis. Put it this way, and it’s obvious that the fear of cannabis-induced psychosis is insanity.
And that’s what the message says.
Solid evidence suggests that CBD — the non-psychoactive compound in cannabis — is beneficial in treating psychosis. So why aren’t the public health busybodies promoting CBD? Why aren’t they worried about the high cost and government barriers associated with this miracle supplement?
Of course, they could say that despite the plant’s millennial use, we need more “research.”
And today’s weed is “more potent,” so young people should steer clear of the non-toxic herb. Instead, keep taking Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, Paxil, Effexor, Cymbalta, Pristiq, Xanax, Valium, Nardil, Marplan, Wellbutrin, Remeron, Seroquel, Risperdal, or Zyprexa.
But suppose an otherwise healthy teenage boy starts experimenting with cannabis. Will he or she adjust to psychosis later?
According to this 2014 study, young people at greatest risk of cannabis-induced psychosis are those with genetic susceptibility and childhood trauma.
In other words, unlucky genes and a crappy upbringing contribute to mental health problems. who knew
How is cannabis to blame again? How is self-medicating with cannabis by mentally ill people a problem with cannabis itself?
Take public health edicts and replace “cannabis” with alcohol. Now imagine if you were to address these recommendations seriously to politicians and the public. We’d laugh her out of the room.
But because cannabis legalization is new and today’s weed is stronger than your parents…
What about strong cannabis?
Banning whiskey and vodka because they are “stronger” than beer makes absolutely no sense. And yet, this is the argument that public health is making in relation to today’s more potent cannabis.
“It’s not your grandmother’s weed” is the mantra of these “cannabis causes psychosis” busybodies.
Actually it is the same plant. Cannabis is a plant with plant cannabinoids, or phytocannabinoids, that mimic the natural endogenous ones that our bodies produce. Today’s cannabis has a higher concentration of THC cannabinoids. That’s the problem they have.
But like in the alcohol industry, the choice is yours. Including the decision not to consume.
You can buy cannabis that is low in THC and high in CBD, or vice versa. You can buy a balance. Or one that focuses on other cannabinoids like CBN.
How do higher THC concentrations in cannabis cause psychosis? What is the process by which this happens? Does this happen in developing brains rather than evolved ones?
One might think there would be answers since public health is supposed to be “evidence-based”. But many studies define the effects of THC as psychosis and go from there.
It would be like defining all human behavior as selfish, so that even altruistic actions are considered selfish.
Assuming the public health is correct. High THC levels in cannabis are dangerous and unhealthy and can lead to psychosis, especially in young people.
The cannabis temperance movement still has no foundation to stand on.
As Thomas Sowell said, “Crusaders [against drugs] cannot accept the fact that they are not God, that they have neither the right nor the authority to direct the lives of other people.”
Can cannabis cause psychosis?
Can cannabis induce psychosis in otherwise healthy people? No, it can make symptoms worse if you already have it or are predisposed to it, but cannabis alone cannot cause poor mental health.
In fact, nothing causes poor mental health. People are not billiard balls. We respond to incentives and make decisions. Our actions have no causes. You have reasons.
A young person with psychosis may use cannabis as self-medication. There may be pros and cons to this, but the choice is up to that person.
We should only be concerned if their behavior violates property rights. That’s the only “public interest” in whether cannabis causes psychosis.
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