California: $15 million in grants to support social justice programs
This article was written by Nicolás Jose Rodriguez and originally published on Benzinga.
On Monday, the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) announced that it is accepting grant applications for the Cannabis Equity Grants program for local jurisdictions for the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
The purpose of the program is to promote economic justice for populations and communities affected by cannabis prohibition and the War on Drugs by assisting local jurisdictions in promoting justice in California and removing barriers to entry into the cannabis industry .
“Offering technical assistance, regulatory compliance assistance, and assistance in securing the capital needed to start a business (…) by reducing barriers to licensing and employment in the regulated industry (…) will also empower the state in its goal to eliminate or reduce the illegal cannabis market by bringing more people into the legal market,” GO-Biz explained.
Local jurisdictions (a city, a county, or a city and a county) that express intention to develop a cannabis equality program or that have established or implemented a cannabis equality program are eligible to apply.
The grant application process, application user guide and required documents can be found here.
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