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With the ever-growing selection of smoking paraphernalia such as vapes, hand pipes and bongs, smokers are spoiled for choice when it comes to how they enjoy their herb.
Most of us start out with joints or hand pipes, but at some point it’s time for an upgrade.
Read on if you’re still unsure whether investing in a quality bong is worth it. This article will show you the key benefits of upgrading your smoking device to a quality bong and why it’s one of the best investments you can make.
It can match your aesthetic.
Joints, cones and cheap pipes are inherently impersonal as they cater to a wide audience. In contrast, quality bongs are designed with specific themes in mind.
Unlike cheaper, mass-market pieces, these pieces are not just aimed at the smoking connoisseur, but for someone who appreciates the particular aesthetic of the piece.
A good bong is more than just a smoking accessory. It is a work of art that doubles as a decoration and perfectly suits your taste. Because stoned bongs aren’t made to attract as many people as possible, you’ll find artful bongs made for many niches.
Maybe you love mushrooms or are an avid diver; In that case, you can choose a bong based on any of these themes. For example the Fifth Ave Green House Giant Chambered Mushroom Bong or this octopus style water pipe.
Quality constructions
Silicone or acrylic bongs are very affordable and a great choice if you plan to travel with them. Still, the experience can’t match the purity of a glass bong.
High quality bongs are made from borosilicate glass. This is a special glass made from silicon dioxide and boron trioxide. This borosilicate glass is much more durable and heat resistant than regular glass, one of the main reasons it is used in laboratory equipment.
So if it’s good enough for the lab, it’s definitely good enough for your smoking needs.
Yummy ribs
If you smoke quality herb, you should try as much of it as possible. There is no better way to taste the smoke than with a quality bong.
The purity of the smoke comes not only from the mentioned borosilicate glass, but also from the increased filtering.
A quality glass pipe will contain percolators or recyclers to filter impurities from the smoke and cool it down.
Many larger pieces contain ice notches that can be used to further cool the smoke before it enters the mouth.
All of this means you can get thicker, cooler clouds that allow for a more pronounced flavor profile. You cannot achieve this effect with silicon or metal bongs. In fact, many of these leave a weird plastic or metal taste in your mouth.
Measure your dose
Joints and blunts are not a good way to measure what you’re smoking. Unless you weigh each piece before and after you smoke it, it’s difficult to determine how much you’re consuming.
Bongs, on the other hand, give you a lot more control.
All you have to do is weigh the contents of the bowl. Now that you know how much you use up each time you pack the bowl, all you have to do is count how many bowls you smoke.
You can even get different sized bowls to have smaller ones for tasting and testing new strains. You can opt for multiple bowls with different capacities to better control and measure your dose.
More effective smoking sessions
When you light up a blunt or joint, the smoke it leaves behind when it burns is part of the herb that you are not inhaling.
Some of the good stuff and cannabinoids like THC and CBD are present in this smoke. These can also be affected by the heat of the smoke.
Using a bong allows you to instantly chill the smoke and preserve its active ingredients. And because you can cap off the bowl between hits, you won’t waste too much herb.
Keep a higher resale value
Let’s be honest; There isn’t much market for used acrylic or silicone parts.
High-quality bongs, on the other hand, are mostly made by well-known brands. If you take care of them they can last a long time and if you are not careless and chip or break them these parts can retain good resale value.
If you ever decide to sell your glass bong, you might find a buyer willing to pay roughly what you originally paid for it.
Some limited edition or one-off pieces by well-known glassblowers like Scott Deppe can even be considered an investment like a work of art and will increase over time. Just check out some of them Very expensive bongs.
Enhance the smoking experience
Premium quality bongs deliver the best smoking experience ever. The visual display of percolation can be great, while the sound of these bubbles is like music to your ears, all making for a very satisfying smoke.
The filtration allows cool and delicious hits and eliminates the jarring feeling of hits, giving you a smooth and enjoyable smoking session.
There’s no better way to instantly fill a room with cool smoke than with a good bong when smoking aromatic herbs.
Are you ready to upgrade your bong?
As we have seen, there is no better way to get the most out of dry herb and enhance your smoking experience.
Ready to upgrade yours? Get a quality bong with a powerful filter system and don’t forget to check out our bong range. We are convinced that we have something for your taste.
You’ll never want to smoke anything else once you hit a hit from a good bong.
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