Bell’s palsy symptoms are relieved with full-spectrum CBD oil

Bell’s palsy is a condition in which the facial nerve is inflamed, compressed, or otherwise swollen. The facial muscles relax or suffer painful paralysis. Curt Platt suddenly had half of his face sagging one day, a few weeks after contracting a virus the likes of which he’d never experienced before. Now, Bell’s palsy symptoms appear to be alleviated by full-spectrum CBD oil.

Platt stood and urinated in the toilet, and as is his morning habit, spat into the container while relieving himself. Only the spit didn’t manage to clean his chest, not just once, not twice, but several times. He looked in the mirror and couldn’t believe his eyes, the one on the left couldn’t blink. Platt immediately went to the doctor, who made the diagnosis within minutes.

Diagnosed 12 years ago, Platt has had recurrences of Bell’s palsy, sometimes incapacitating for weeks, although initial symptoms resolved after a few weeks. These relapses occurred about once a year, sometimes skipping a year, sometimes doubling, but were usually stress-related, at least in Platt’s opinion.

During this time, the man who had spent decades on Wall Street tried everything he could to ease the symptoms of Bell’s palsy. He visited doctors in Florida, tried different specialists, was recommended muscle relaxants to which he said “no thanks”, did his own research and nothing worked until a buddy switched him to a full-spectrum CBD tincture.

Platt was skeptical while waiting for the oil to come in the mail, but “I was still waiting for this,” laughed Platt, who told The Fresh Toast that at that point he was dying to try everything that was recommended to him. He added, “Doctors have no idea.” However, someone he now trusts is Andrew Clark, co-founder of World Class Health CBD. Clark was the one who recommended a CBD tincture that is also high in the cannabinoid CBG.

When said tincture arrived at Platt’s, he was in the middle of an episode dealing with the matter. He was not well and had no control over the left side of his face. “How long should I wait before seeing results?” was one of Platt’s first questions, and he balked at the claim that he would see anything within minutes.

Lo and behold, about five to 10 minutes later, his friend who he was staying with in Florida came home and said, “Hey, your face looks better!” and Platt replied that he felt better too. He continued taking the tincture at the high dose until the symptoms were 100 percent gone (they had already gone 90 percent in that 10-minute period). He is now on a maintenance dose and has not had a relapse since April of this year.

The Fresh Toast spoke to Clark to find out the secret behind their specialty CBD oils, why she thinks they work so well, and what he thinks of THC medicine. He had some pretty fascinating answers.

TFT: Do your medications contain detectable THC?

AC: It is completely THC free. It’s not noticeable at all. We start with hemp plants with less than 0.3 percent THC. We extract the oil and it still contains some THC. So we use chromatography to remove the THC, so let’s take it a step further… A lot of people in the industry dilute their tincture or oil with the solute they’re using, so that way they’re less than 0, Got 3 percent to make it legal, but they diluted the CBD content, so they then pour in isolate to boost the CBD content. The unfortunate thing is that when you add the isolate back in, they don’t add the CBN, the CBC, the CBG, so you’re extremely low on the other cannabinoids if you choose to dilute rather than chromatograph. Even though it’s a bit more expensive, it’s a much better product.

TFT: The tincture you send Curt is high in CBG, why?

AC: Unfortunately, not enough research is being done because [every part of cannabis] is Appendix I, but I’ve read certain studies from Israel that show that CBG has really good effects on your nerves and has even been shown to cause neurogenesis, which is basically the regrowth of brain tissue. In Bell’s palsy his facial nerve swells and then the myelin sheath around the nerve starts to pinch that nerve so the nerve loses its function and if it stays pinched for too long then the nerve can die. Here we see long-term Bell’s palsy. So, given the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD and the small amount I’ve read about CBG causing neurogenesis – some even call it the stem cell cannabinoid – I figured that combining the two would be the best bet we could have for treatment would have him.

TFT: Is there an entourage effect with the different cannabinoids that Curt uses?

AC: Certain cannabinoids are better suited to certain tasks than others. So sometimes it takes the anti-inflammatory CBD to destroy the myelin sheath around his facial nerve, and then the CBG to revitalize that nerve. So there is definitely a synergistic effect, and you can see that with CBN as well. CBN helps people with both sleep and osteoporosis. There is absolutely a synergistic effect and that is why our tinctures are full spectrum tinctures.

TFT: What about THC? What place do you think it has from a medical point of view?

AC: THC has a pretty bad reputation for inducing a stoned effect, which can be dangerous when driving or doing certain things, but it can be used synergistically with CBD or to treat certain diseases, for example Parkinson’s a great response to THC. There is actually a video on our website of a gentleman taking what I believe is a 1:1 THC:CBD ratio and within five minutes he stops the tremors and his voice comes back. So I definitely think there is a place for THC in the medical world, but it will be a while before we can do more studies and everything gets removed from Schedule I. Fingers crossed, the data will indicate that Bell’s palsy symptoms are alleviated by full spectrum CBD oil.

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