Beer scientist creates Colorado’s first cannabis-based beer

Cannabis is certainly one of the most versatile plants in the world. From the pharmaceutical market to health and fitness to cosmetics and even beverages, there is so much you can do with marijuana. In addition to these possibilities, a Colorado Brewmaster created an unconventional yet fun way to use cannabis!

The background of Dr. Kith villa

Dr. Villa’s first encounter with cannabis was not a pleasant one. He first encountered the substance in 1983 while he was in college and vividly remembers the harsh smoke that led to incessant coughing fits.

After graduation he became a pediatrician, but as we say, “Life happens” and took a different turn. He is now 58 years old, a happy family man who became a doctor but is now a cannabis-inspired beverage doctor.

He has a PhD in fermentation from the University of Brussels. This is one of the rarest of these degrees in the world, which makes it very interesting.

His education served a useful purpose during his 32-year career with Miller Coors. At this company, he created a popular Belgian-inspired Blue Moon beer, which was first made at the 10-barrel sandlot distillery in Denver’s Coors Field. It is served with a garnish of orange slices.

The influence of his first cannabis experience and the new product

His first encounter with cannabis stayed with him for many years. After retiring from Miller Coors in January 2018, he believed there was a better way to ingest cannabis than inhaling smoke or chewing on the edibles.

In the year of his retirement, he created CERIA (which rhymes with the word area), a non-alcoholic white ale from Brainwave that is mixed with 5 mg of THC. It is also combined with Indiewave non-alcoholic IPA combined with 10 mg THC and 10 mg CBD.

The company CERIA was his start-up brewery, which also made history as Colorado’s first cannabis-based beer. The beer was accepted and added to the beer collection of the History of Colorado Museum in Denver. It’s also available at about 100 Colorado pharmacies and is slated to hit the California market this year, 2021.

Dr. Villa claims that it was like an “Edison lightbulb moment” for the two of them when his wife and co-founder of the start-up Jodi tasted their first serving of beer. He was pleasantly surprised that the beer was excellent and had a relaxing feel, even though it did not have alcohol.

It was a great tasting beer that was pleasant to the touch because of the THC. That feeling gave rise to the idea that it would be possible for them to “revolutionize” cannabis use and change the game. Little did his wife and the rest of the team know that CERIA was going to become a trendy brand as its cannabis-based beer is now very sought after in the market.

The beauty of an alternative solution to smoking

Soon, Dr. Villa in the press coverage; after all, it was a massive innovation in the cannabis market. With his cannabis-based CERIA beer, he drew media coverage from CBC, Forbes and even CBS News for three years.

Beer plays a crucial role in our societies and cultures. It is often the focus of celebrations and is used to relax and connect with other people at the same time. Now with Dr. Villa’s new entrant with its non-alcoholic beer microdosed with THC means people of all “legal” ages can enjoy something unique.

Dr. Villa claims the beer is more pleasant as his team wanted to bring marijuana to people who are more socially acceptable. They also focused on making it available as an alternative to smoking.

People who smoke tobacco or cannabis now have one single way to enjoy cannabis without the discomfort of smoking. Some people don’t like smoking, for example people with asthma or other health problems who are not allowed to smoke or be near smoke.

The effects of COVID-19 on the product

Although the COVID-19 pandemic affected companies worldwide, Dr. Villa a positive business experience. The impact of the pandemic has also raised awareness of the importance of respiratory health. People have been told that inhaling hot smoke is not an ideal way to use cannabis, and it was done to protect their lungs from the risk of contracting the virus.

But with the beer alternative from Dr. Villa you can enjoy cannabis as a non-alcoholic drink. For example, imagine yourself at a wedding reception or a barbecue evening in the garden; You couldn’t toast with a jar of marijuana brownie or a gummy bear.

So what can you do You can Dr. Get Villa’s beer that won’t put your lungs at risk; It’s not as strange as a gummy bear in a jar, either. Enjoy a sip with something good for your health and well-being and also reduce your alcohol consumption. Many people find that they can enjoy their life without alcohol, and since they like cannabis, this is a win-win for them.

So Dr. Villa most of the COVID-19 lockdown at home to work at Brewer’s Publications, a division of the Brewer’s Association in Boulder, Colorado. He worked on creating a guide on how to brew cannabis.

The publication will be launched on August 1, 2021 and is entitled “Brewing with Cannabis; Uses of THC and CBD in beer. It’s the union of cannabis and brewing.

Bottom line

It is a pleasure to have such a unique product in the cannabis market and Dr. Villa has taken the lead with its cannabis infused beer. If you don’t smoke or don’t like alcoholic beverages this is for you.

Cannabis is often loved, banned, hated, accepted, criticized and legalized at the same time in different parts of the world. But one thing is certain; When presented in a unique way in a product that is suitable for all ages it helps break the stigma.

Dr. Villa has brought its quota to the industry and now we can enjoy a pleasant, alcohol and smoke free cannabis product that is an ideal alternative.










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