BC pushes for legal black market for cannabis amid criticism from artisan farmers
By Nicolas Jose Rodriguez
The British Columbia government has convinced many illegal cannabis growers to start selling them legally in an attempt to drive illegal marijuana out of the market, but the efforts have been criticized by the craft industry, according to a December 26 globalnewsca.com report.
Efforts to bring black or gray market growers into the legal retail market have focused on the Central Kootenay region through a pilot project. “It’s still a lot of work after three years,” Attorney General Mike Farnworth said in an interview. “There are still some challenges for the trade and the producers.”
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Farnworth noted that industry members have expressed frustration with the regulations governing cannabis marketing. He sees “a lot of potential” in the industry and believes that relaxing regulations would help marijuana farmers in the future.
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The attorney general expects the provincial farm gate program to allow cannabis growers to run a retail business and encourage craft growers and those who operate illegally to join the program and work legally.
Abra Brynne of the Kootenay Cannabis Economic Development Council noted that the council helped 53 companies navigate the state licensing process. However, she added that the high cost of insurance for small growers who started out was still prohibitive.
Photo by Aditya Chinchure via Unsplash
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Meanwhile, Todd Veri, president of the Kootenay Outdoor Producer Co-Op, said many legal smallholders are struggling to get through red tape to get their businesses started. He added that the government could allow artisan farmers to sell directly to retailers, a policy that would encourage more people to work legally, and create a classification similar to BC’s Vintner’s Quality Assurance used in the wine industry.
This article originally appeared on Benzinga and was republished with permission.
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