Balling in short shorts – cannabis activist Truth Bombs City Council in New York

A man in New York state makes serious noise online after gutting a public board meeting with facts and destroying it in a video posted on Reddit.

His city decided to ban the legal sale of cannabis in its jurisdiction, which the man – Zachery – who wore a pair of short shorts and white sneakers, made the law.

In this article, we’re going to discuss some of the most epic truth bombs he’s hurled in their direction and why it’s important for more activists to take office to fight the system from within.

We don’t ban liquor stores …

He begins his discourse by saying that he would not talk about the bad decisions made by the city administration not to let cannabis businesses operate in their jurisdiction, or the merits of allowing them to operate … HOWEVER …

“Let me remind you that we don’t ban liquor stores because there is alcohol, we don’t ban bars because some people drink and drive … cannabis – you are irrelevant!”

I couldn’t have said better to Zach.

This argument points to the error of the prohibition. Prohibitions exist because of the perceived “dangers” of what they prohibit.

In the event that cannabis dispensaries are banned in your city, these perceived dangers include things like “youth use, encouraging drug use, etc.”

Zach skillfully points out the hypocrisy in this judgment that we don’t use the same measures on arguably more dangerous drugs like alcohol. Zach also points out that the board of directors made its decision based on “personal beliefs” that are responsible for much of our current drug policy.

The ban on pharmacies increases the risks

Another point Zach pointed out was that by banning pharmacies, they are creating a higher risk of impaired driving ability as people continue to have the legal right to consume and are now forced to consume “on the spot”.

It’s legal – only selling is prohibited!

Later in the video, Zachery points out that New York State has legalized its use and that adults now have the right to use it anytime.

He points out that the board cannot stop the will of the people and prohibit the use of cannabis, but all they could do was prohibit entrepreneurs from starting a business in his city.

They had the option to pour this taxpayer money into their city, but decided against it because of their personal beliefs about cannabis.

Most people who make rules about cannabis have little to no experience

Zachery rightly pointed out that the rules the board passed were not based on scientific evidence, but based on their prejudices and limited experience.

This is often the case when it comes to drug laws.

As a psychonaut, I would make readily available substances like LSD, psilocybin, DMT, cannabis, and even cocaine for personal consumption. Of course, a public awareness campaign would be needed to make it safer to use – but the correct use of these drugs is far less dangerous than the consumption of alcohol or tobacco – both are perfectly legal.

However, due to the limited experience of these legislators, very restrictive laws are passed that do not benefit society as a whole.

Threaten the board

Zachery goes on to say that he is confident that the public will be able to challenge their decision in a referendum or simply vote them out.

He also pointed out that he only had 2 hours to prepare as he didn’t know they would make the decision. This often happens, these legislators meet without informing the public.

During this time, the activist has received dozens of signatures to sign up and will continue to push.

The board of directors has deceived the people

Zach announced he was there because they had a meeting in July and the obvious result of meeting the board was that they would make up their minds because of the board’s inaction.

In other words, the board said they would “do nothing” about the opt-out – as they should have taken action to opt out.

This led activists to believe that because of this inaction, legal sales would be permitted. Then he pointed out that one of the board members acknowledged the public contribution, only to reverse the script later.

Backdoor offers …

Zachery pointed out that this sudden change of heart on the board of directors was likely due to a “closed deal” they had come to and surprisingly voted for a sale ban.

This is something that is much more common that people would like to admit. Many of the places that have legalized cannabis in the past have special interests.

For example, California’s recreational cannabis industry is structured to favor growing large businesses over old farms.

All of this is a seizure of power by both the corporate world and politics – both have benefited from each other for some time.

Come to office!

You don’t have to be president to change the US – in fact, most of the major changes of government take place at the local level. Zachery, a very outspoken activist, should run for office and replace the very members he criticizes.

Of course, this means you have other things to do, not just cannabis – but if you want to make real change, I strongly recommend that you either support someone who acts on behalf of people or for yourself to run for office yourself.

It is time we replaced the dinosaurs in office with people who really know what they are talking about. The only way to make significant change – is to BE the change!

Kudos to Zach for undoing the dinosaurs!




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