Ask a Budtender: Does CBD Counteract THC Effects?

Voted “Best Budtender in Chicago,” Lorena Cupcake has answered hundreds of questions from cannabis buyers and patients during her time as a budtender. And now they’re turning that experience into a monthly advice column. Ask a budtender. Have a question for Cupcake? Send it to

dear cupcakes,

I know that CBD blocks THC from binding to CB1 receptors. I’ve even heard that CBD can help sober you up if you accidentally get too high.

Does this mean that products with CBD will get you less high than the same non-CBD product? I don’t want to waste my money on less effective products.

— Tall guy

How cannabinoid receptors affect THC

CB1 receptors, an essential part of the body’s endocannabinoid system, are found primarily throughout the brain and nervous system. THC binding to these receptors is nature’s miracle that makes us feel high.

In addition to THC, over a hundred cannabinoids have been identified. Some of them are known for how effectively THC can bind to CB1 receptors. For example, the non-intoxicating trace cannabinoid THCV is a competitive antagonist, meaning it physically blocks access to the receptor, like a goalie on an opposing hockey team.

CBD, the primary cannabinoid found in low-potency hemp flower, is a non-competitive negative allosteric modulator. In layman’s terms, it binds to CB1 receptors in a completely different place than THC, making it just a little harder for THC to get stuck in its usual spot. The researchers who demonstrated this interaction saw no downside; Instead, they speculated that this biological mechanism might explain the “usefulness of CBD as an antipsychotic, antiepileptic, and antidepressant.”

To get to the bottom of your question, High Guy, I spoke with psychopharmacology researcher Dr. Ethan Russo, MD, spoke. His study, “A tale of two cannabinoids,” published in 2006 with co-author Geoffrey W. Guy, provides evidence that combining CBD with THC prevents negative effects — like intoxication, drowsiness, or tachycardia — while preventing the positive ones benefits increased.

Specifically, how does CBD alter your high?

When asked directly whether CBD reduces the high, Russo said, “Yes, but only to a small degree.” He points to the Emerald Cup, a Californian cannabis competition where strains with equal levels of CBD and THC have stood out From High Times magazine, a CBD-dominant strain was once accidentally included in a THC-dominant category—and it swept away most of the jury.

I’m a big fan of classic CBD strains like AC/DC and Harle-tsu. I’ve already written that I don’t feel any less high after smoking; I just feel high in a different way. The sharp corners of the world appear softer, smoother; Shielded from fear, I can enjoy my high from a place of complete comfort and peace.

according to dr Russo CBD affects a high in three ways:

  1. CBD slightly lowers the peak THC high.
  2. The peak THC high takes longer to kick in, with a slower and smoother ramp up to full effect.
  3. The overall effects of THC last longer, allowing medicinal patients to achieve longer-lasting symptom relief with less frequent doses.

In 1974, forty Brazilian men received varying ratios of THC and CBD, with the largest THC dose being 30 milligrams. At these higher doses, subjects reported “waves” of intense anxiety, reaching a near-panic state. However, when CBD was co-administered with THC, subjects showed less anxiety and reported more pleasurable effects.

“CBD acts directly on another receptor, 5-HT1A (serotonin 1A), that mediates anxiety, thereby…allowing for higher dose ingestion without producing psychoactive side effects such as jitteriness, panic, and rapid heart rate,” added Dr. Added Russo.

Can CBD Really Sober You Up?

Finding a puff (or brownie or dab) above the line can be an uncomfortable experience, leading to mind spirals, paranoia, and a solemn promise to be more careful about your dose next time. Just like you, I’ve heard a number of folk remedies for disenchantment, from smelling black pepper to taking extra CBD.

dr Russo noted that CBD and THC should be administered simultaneously to maximize their synergistic potential. Taking CBD for the first time could mean blocking a lot more of your THC high. On the other hand, if you get too high from THC and later take CBD, it may be too late to noticeably reduce your THC-induced high.

Personally, I think treating someone who has consumed too much cannabinoids by giving them extra cannabinoids is counterintuitive and can have unintended effects. One study showed that while high doses of CBD reduced THC intoxication in some regular cannabis users, small doses of CBD actually increased intoxication, particularly in those less experienced with cannabis.

To CBD or not to CBD

“The question consumers should be asking isn’t ‘What gets me up the most?’ but rather, ‘What kind of preparation will give me the best experience?’” Russo said. “Different preparations will best address specific targeted symptoms or planned activities. Cannabinoids and terpenoids.”

For example, if your plans for the day include a hike, it might be best to avoid a high-THC strain rich in myrcene, a spicy, earthy terpene known for causing “couch-lock.” Known to induce calming laziness, terpenes would have a greater impact on your enjoyment than cannabinoid ratios.

To avoid CBD entirely would be to give too much importance to its ability to reduce peak highs while ignoring its ability to reduce anxiety, increase pleasure, prolong highs, and induce relaxation. When viewed holistically, the benefits of adding CBD to your experience could outweigh any potential downsides.

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