Artful ways to practice self-care
Self-care is a complex word that is open to many interpretations. It can be as simple as putting on a face mask or as complex as getting out of a toxic relationship. Some of the most helpful ways to take care of your body and mind when you’re feeling depressed are as simple as taking a douche or making the effort to prepare a healthy meal. Creativity is also a great way to take care of yourself. Here are artful ways to practice self-care.
Known as an outlet for your emotions, the more you tap into your creative side, the easier it is to access it in the long run. These exercises can also help you deal with your emotions and the stressors in your life.
Art therapy
Although art therapy is usually associated with children as a way to get them to express their feelings, it is also a helpful activity for adults. And you don’t have to be an artist to practice it. All you have to do is set aside a set amount of time and start drawing or coloring. There are many helpful exercises, such as drawing a safe place, filling in a color wheel, and more.
Write a diary
Photo by Plush Design Studio via Unsplash
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Journaling is a simple habit you can adopt at any time in your life. It’s a low-stakes activity that provides a place to escape and put away thoughts that you don’t have to revisit if you don’t want to. If the pandemic has unleashed a wave of surprising and disturbing feelings and emotions, a journal can be a good starting point for making lists, recording the things that are weighing on you, and also a place to add things to your attention be happy…like traveling and having the opportunity to hug your loved ones!
Knitting, embroidery, quilting, etc. All of these tasks require you to sit down and do them by hand. This low-stimulus process allows you to calm down and collect your thoughts and feelings. Start slowly and with a project that is manageable to limit your frustration. Eventually you’ll get into a groove that will feel incredibly cathartic!
Practice some healthy cooking
Photo by Roman Pohorecki via Pexels.
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Cooking, when done with the right attitude, can be a liberating and even creative experience. It can help you bond with your loved ones and feel better. If you don’t have much experience, look up a simple recipe, put on some music, and do your best to make something that’s delicious and worth your time.
Reading can even relax your body by lowering your heart rate and easing tension in your muscles. A 2009 study from the University of Sussex found that reading can reduce stress by up to 68%. Unlike videos or films, reading captures your entire mind and takes it on a journey where you mentally absorb and visualize what you consume. This allows your mind to focus on something in a healthy way.
It offers us a healthy escape.
Reading takes us out of our world (and our minds) into another world within the pages of a book.
Answer art
Whether you draw or write down something that inspires you, you probably have something that provokes a strong reaction. Use those passionate feelings to create some art, even if you keep it to yourself. This is a way to translate your emotions and feelings into something physical and it is very rewarding.
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