Are your lungs shot by COVID so you can stop smoking or vaping weed?
People report that COVID has destroyed their lungs so they can no longer smoke or vape weed.
Have you been a cannabis smoker or did you enjoy vaping cannabis oil, but found that your lungs simply no longer have the same capacity or endurance after COVID? What can you do now? What if you can no longer physically smoke weed? What if vaping is just too much cough or pain now?
Don’t worry, there are other options.
Edibles – Yes, you can actually eat grass. Cannabis-infused chocolates, gums, and candies are becoming big business. Consumers flock to edibles and pre-rolled joints as the two main categories of marijuana that consumers enjoy the most. Edibles can be strong and take up to an hour to take effect. So be careful in the beginning. As Snoop says, edibles are great, but they don’t have an on / off switch. One option for a beginner is to start with a 5 mg edible or start with tinctures. Tinctures come with a dropper and you simply squeeze drops under your tongue. This is ideal for beginners as you can go back to 3 drops one evening, 5 drops the next, or 2 drops. You can find your “cute” place to get high or sleep and find out for over a week.
Other options include Tommy Chong THC breath strips and even sucking candies that contain THC.
beverages – A relatively new entrant in the cannabis game, drinks are picking up speed in legal states as most states limit doses of 5 mg per can or bottle. This allows for a 2 drink experience to hit the standard adult dosage of 10 mg. Why is this so important, socially, it takes a good 30 to 45 socializing and slow drinking to get high. It’s a big difference if you just put a gummy bear or chocolate in your mouth and eat it in 3 seconds. Cannabis drinks introduce a new social element and an extended time element to get high. There is no similar activity, even passing a joint around with a group of people (10 minutes, 2 hits), that allows for the longer social time that drinking a drink with friends allows.
Change your cartridge
While smoking or vaping cannabis oils can be too harsh on your lungs, there are some gentler alternatives that may be fine for vaping or smoking. Delta-8 THC hemp and hemp pre-rolls are not as harsh as some of the cannabis oils sold today, although they don’t get you as high right off the bat as regular THC, but they do create a calm mind and a very relaxed body. If you cough and chop too much with your standard stuff, try cutting it down to hemp oils and pre-rolls. Many stoners in Reddit groups have reported COVID lung problems and tried softer or toned vape oil and smokable things like CBD strains and hemp-based vapes.
Last but not least…
When all else fails and you just can’t smoke or eat cannabis, many report that the fastest and best way to get high from a drug is to apply the drug to the fastest absorbing tissue in the body called the rectal canal . Although commonly associated with cocaine use, some cannabis users have reported that the fastest route into the bloodstream and the quickest to feel the effects is by walking through the dark channels of the underworld. While it’s not the easiest way to share weed with friends, it will save your lungs.
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