Are the Democrats wasting the ace of cannabis legalization up their sleeve?
When it came to the last US presidential election, the general mood was, “If we get Trump out – everything will be fine!” People had their candidate – Bernie Sanders – but the Democrats had their favorite – Joe Biden.
President Biden has been in office for 289 days, and at the time of this writing, he has lost a lot of support from people who voted for him. The largest population group that has lost support are the youth, who have hit a record low in government confidence.
It’s not entirely Biden’s fault either – while he’s an establishment, we have to admit that inheriting a pandemic into your presidency is no easy task. However, his withdrawal from Afghanistan and his loss to the Taliban in record time for his vaccination mandates have tarnished his public figure, and now even people who have been staunch supporters are starting to question their loyalty.
Recently, Biden also stated that they will delay the release of the files on JFK’s assassination, which is code for “the government murdered a US president.” One of the reasons for Biden not to publish the documents was – you guessed it … COVID!
However, this is not the Democrats’ biggest waste to date. Cannabis is at the center of suspicion and the Democratic Party, which claimed to be advocates of legalization, has done absolutely nothing to promote legalization or even decriminalization. With the Republican Party drafting its first law to legalize marijuana this week, which actually makes more sense than the Democrats’ efforts to get Chuck Shumer, we have to wonder what happened.
In fact, during the first few weeks of Biden’s presidency, they fired staff for admitting that they had used cannabis at one point in their life.
More importantly, if we take a closer look at Biden’s approval rating – it’s now roughly 42.9% and appears to be on the decline. Compare that to Trump’s first year as president, Biden only outperforms him by 4%, and the year is not over yet. It could drop to Trump approval levels by the end of the year.
Of course, there are many things to consider when it comes to approval ratings, and even the global “Let’s Go Brandon” phenomenon is a whole can of worms in itself, one thing practically all Americans agree on – the promises regarding cannabis were NOT kept .
The overwhelming majority of Americans favor legal cannabis
I have criticized all presidents mainly because I studied the war on drugs and recognized a long time ago that “left” and “right” are simply metaphorical divisions within a system designed to keep the disenfranchised in their place .
In recent years, regardless of political ideology, the entire nation has come together to support one thing. The same thing that was more popular than any of the last three presidents – cannabis!
With nearly 70% of Americans in favor of legalizing cannabis – which includes legalizing recreation and medicine – cannabis is by far the most popular impartial move a politician can take. However, we’ve seen Biden and VP Harris have become eerily quiet on that front since their election.
The whole nation has been fooled (once again) into believing that these multimillionaire talkingheads actually don’t give a damn about them and while there have been many promises to legalize or even decriminalize cannabis, nothing material has changed at the time of this writing .
However, various senators on both sides of the party lines have pushed for legalization – so far we see no endorsement or movement from the White House to move these processes forward.
While it is true that Biden cannot wave a magic wand and simply legalize cannabis – he does have the power to put pressure on certain authorities to start decriminalizing cannabis, as he promised, as in a recently published marijuana moment- Item described;
While the CRS noted that the president cannot, in fact, unilaterally postpone cannabis with an executive order, “he could instruct executive agencies to either change the planning of marijuana or change their enforcement approach”. This includes federal officials launching a process to completely remove cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) without requiring additional action by Congress.
Considering Biden tossing around mandates like Halloween candy, the idea of getting an executive order doesn’t seem that far-fetched. While the president can do these things, it is very unlikely that he will.
Since the recent passage of the Infrastructure Act and numerous cases where the Biden administration has essentially said “cannabis is not a priority” and has been hiding behind Covid aid, we can almost safely say that Biden is not exercising his executive powers will do whatever comes close to decriminalizing or decriminalizing cannabis.
If you’ve been paying attention …
For those of you who have been paying attention over the past few decades, the President of the United States is essentially a “face” for corporatism in the United States. With the latest news of Big Pharma lobbying – which hit a record $ 3.5 billion in 2020 – and insider trading by the Fed and members of the political class who have 38 senators with $ 13.4 million in pharmaceutical stocks ; and that passed law immunizing drug manufacturers from accountability to the public for selling dangerous drugs and other products.
In other words, the US government long ago stopped representing “the people” and became a cabal of elites who play by different rules than the rest of us. Because of this, cannabis legalization is not a priority for either the president or his government – they are all in the pockets of big business.
After all, it seems that these days we are only being advised by pharmaceutical companies that in the past have tried to put profits above people at every step of the way. I don’t even want to start with the discrepancies between the agencies they are supposed to “regulate”.
You just have to look at ex-FDA commissioners and their current high positions in pharmaceutical companies to draw your own conclusions.
Nonetheless, there will come a time when people will get tired of these political class games and if the incumbent politicians don’t start playing their part in legalizing cannabis – the backlash could be quick.
On the other hand, never in history have we seen so many people bow their knees to pharmaceutical companies and give up their individual freedoms for a bit of “security”.
said Benjamin Franklin;
Those who would give up essential freedom to buy some temporary security do not deserve freedom or security.
While it might have been about taxes in the past, it certainly applies to all the bastard that expires these days. If you have not realized that the government is no longer serving YOU “the people”, but you, the companies – you are still asleep.
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