Are spike proteins toxic? Experts disagree but flavonoids might help
The world is getting vaccinated, but with many unanswered questions. A circulating concern regards how these vaccines force cells to produce “spike” proteins. This protein helps induce an immune response, but it also potentially causes a host of symptoms similar to the sequelae of mild Covid-19. But, do the jabs truly produce toxic quantities of spike proteins? And, in any case, can any remedies safely prevent side effects of the vaccine itself, such as a dose of flavonoids?
What is the difference between a toxin and a drug?
To give an almost philosophic explanation, salt is toxic in large doses despite its role as an essential nutrient to the health of every animal. (1) Yet, a small bottle of saline contains some ‘salt’ and is entirely non-toxic. An accurate dose of most drugs should not possess more risks than their reward, but that always depends on the dosage. The benefit of salt (sodium chloride), a substance we understand exquisitely, is essential to life despite its toxic potential.
Are spike proteins essential if they are simply one mechanism we can use to limit the severity of a toxic virus? Furthermore, the scientific community understands this specific glycoprotein (spike) far less than salt. So, is it wrong to voice any concerns regarding the risk and benefit ratio of the vaccine in the long term, especially for children?
How do Covid vaccines produce spikes and is this a concern for children?
The jabs currently being stuck in our arms are microscopic drug-delivery devices that help the immune cells produce spike proteins. The biosynthetic proteins that bodies begin producing after an mRNA or viral vector jab are likewise to the body of Sars-Cov2, with a few key differences. (2) These spikes are allegedly the non-contagious part of the virus, but they’re also the part that binds to at least two human receptor sites. (3 – 5) Therefore, large enough quantities of spike protein can be responsible for many illness events. (3)
In a radio interview, Associate Professor of Viral Immunology at Guelph University Byram Bridle boldly claimed spike proteins are toxic. (6) Bridle copied me into a mass email response when asked about his views on the vaccine. The email detailed how Bridle’s decision to voice his concerns with mass vaccination for children publically led to an intense smear campaign against him and forced him into silence.
He later followed this with a detailed study by the Canadian Covid Care Alliance that cites dangers about the raw spike protein — more than the vaccine’s immune response.
Dr. Drew Weissman. Photo courtesy of Drexel University.
A UPenn Professor calls out Havard for baseless science
Dr. Drew Weismann published patents behind mRNA vaccine technology with BioNTech’s senior vice president, Dr. Katalin Kairiko. (7) Weissman stated that Dr. Bridle’s document does not contain any scientific data with Politifact. (8) Despite Wiesmann’s claims and any of Bridle’s misinterpretations, the document in question does indeed cite peer-reviewed scientific studies. One study, led by Professor Walt, was published by Brigham and Women’s Hospital. (9)
Drew Weissman, Ph.D., MD, MA, is a Professor for Perlamm School of Medicine, a division of the University of Pennsylvania. Drew Weissman responded to a blatant question asking why he does not consider Brigham’s study valid scientific data, according to his citation in Politifact.
The study by Brigham concerns the circulation of the spike in the vascular system after injection. Weismann’s response instead clarified the results of an entirely different study conducted by the Salk Institute, also cited in Bridle’s document. This study analyzed the outcome of cellular damage caused by spike proteins, a potentially toxic mechanism. (3)
[Lei et al.] is a sound study. It found that spike [proteins] could affect respiratory epithelial cells. The conclusion that this study indicates that the mRNA vaccines are toxic has no validity. The mRNA vaccines do not make spike protein in the airways, where the respiratory epithelial cells are. Drew Weissman (10)
Do spike proteins circulate next to the airway?
The study from Salk (Lei et al.) focused on vascular epithelial cells in mouse tracheas. Moreover, a test by Pfizer on female Wistar rats suggests that the lipid-bound mRNA sequence flows through the body like saline after an injection — lungs included. (11) Pfizer’s test did not prove spike proteins are produced in the airway or if they are toxic. However, the study by Brigham (Ogata et al.) proved smalls amounts of spike do circulate in the blood for over 15 days after a jab.
Spike proteins elicit the antibody response. But, it is unknown if Covid vaccines produce antibodies in the mouth and nose. Professor Irving Weissman, Director of the Institute of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine, is studying antibodies in saliva to better understand this problem. Moreover, the distribution of the spike protein might be a culprit. Photo courtesy of Saliva Study by Stanford University. (12)
So, how is Drew Weissman’s conjecture valid if the spike circulates throughout the vascular system?
Doctor George Daley, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Havard Medical School, was carbon copied in the email with Drew Weissman. Further included in the discussion was Professor David Walt, who led the study (Ogata et al.) published by Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Our study aimed to see if we could use our ultrasensitive antigen (Spike and S1 proteins) assay to detect circulating antigens produced by the mRNA vaccine. We found we could detect extremely low concentrations of S1 (a subunit of spike) in 11 of 13 healthy vaccinated individuals and the full spike in 3 of 13.
Professor Walt
David Walt, Ph.D., HHMI Professor, Core Faculty of Biologically Inspired Engineering at WYSS Institute, and a Professor of Pathology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital of Havard Medical School. Photo courtesy of Havard.
Where does the spike go after the jab?
We found that within a few days of the antigen appearing, the individuals developed antibodies that removed the antigen from the bloodstream. Our conclusion was that the vaccine is working as intended.
Professor Walt (13)
However, the theory that spike proteins clear after antibody production has since gained a countering perspective. A new study released before review, a preprint, found a possible explanation for Long-Covid that might contest Dr. Walt’s theory. (14)
Some experts think the vaccine is ‘safe’
After producing an immune response, the antigen is catabolized into harmless amino acids and is (supposed to be) removed from the body. (15, 16) However, recent research found spikes lodged in specific CD cells of Long-Covid (PASC) patients for fifteen months after infection. (14) So, should we not determine where the spike truly goes after the jab?
The threshold dose of spike protein as a biologically active agent compared to its required dosage for an adequate immune response is perilous to this argument’s fate. The immune system is sensitive, but how can the spike proteins produce antibodies if the quantity (dose) is truly too minimal and short-lived to illicit a toxic biological response?
In any case, Weissman and Dr. Walt both disagree with anecdotal reports regarding severe Covid vaccine adverse reactions. (17)
Our assay is 1000x more sensitive than typical antigen tests so we are really detecting minute quantities [nanograms] of the spike and S1 proteins. The most important message, as Dr. Weissman has stated, is over 400 million doses of the mRNA vaccine have been administered with negligible serious [short-term] consequences.
Dr. Walt. June 10, 2021. (13)
What about the empirical evidence surrounding increased menstruation, myocarditis, leaky capillaries, and blood clots? (18, 19, 20) And let’s not forget the theoretical challenge of hyper-progressed myeloid leukemia (CLM) and tumours in Phase 4 trials to be discussed in a future release.
Some experts think the spike protein is cytotoxic
Bridle’s root argument is whether or not the dose of spike proteins produced after a jab is toxic to children, not adults, properly compared with the overall benefits of mass immunization. Spike proteins themselves are not new or novel, but we understand them far less than a ‘harmful toxin’ like oxygen. In fact, the data presented by Brigham disproves earlier assurances on the function of mRNA vaccines published by Derek Lowe in Science Mag. (21)
And Lowe is not below a spectrum. Scientists and the general population are often stuck thinking in the traditional sense while trying to comprehend the mechanisms of new-aged vaccines (drugs). Doctor Robert Malone has echoed concerns regarding spike proteins and their ability to circulate in the blood and damage cells (cytotoxicity). (22) Malone was the first individual to patent mRNA vaccine technology and succeeded in using mRNA as a drug (23, 24) before Drew Weissman’s colleagues. (7, 25 – 27).
The spike proteins and vaccines must be solely immunosuppressive if they are not toxic and do not produce cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. This implies the vaccines might hyper-progress preexisting tumours. (28, 29)
Can adverse vaccine reactions be stopped?
Typically, a person suffering from a vaccine-induced cardiovascular disorder receives a standard anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen. (30) Well, CBG and CBD are powerful anti-inflammatories and can partially replace ibuprofen, given the dose and formulation (chemovar). (31) A sublingual will ensure minimal stress on the vascular system with a rapid onset. But, precise vape pen formulations will soon provide more therapeutic options, although these are currently rare.
Another drug, colchicine, is sometimes given after vaccine-induced myocarditis. (28) Colchicine is multifaceted and has more than one benefit for directly treating the side effect of blood clots and heart inflammation. One mechanism of this drug, however, inhibits the release of spike proteins. (32) Thankfully, this can effectively be mimicked by natural substances, but a warning before moving forward. (33, 34)
Can an adverse reaction be stopped by quercetin?
If you become one of the many and take your Covid jab, it is ideal to acquire the most efficient immune response. Therefore, inhibiting the spike before vaccination or before an adverse reaction isn’t advised. Vitamin D also helps strengthen the cellular immune response based on a new understanding of T cell metabolism (Xu et al. 2021). (35 – 37) If you feel significantly unwell after a vaccine, it is best to assess the situation, as there’s a possibility you require professional medical intervention.
Flavonoids like kaempferol and quercetin can be found in several foods and can inhibit spike proteins and some more toxic reactions. Vitamin D can boost the cellular immune response, but this might be countered by other vitamins; a balanced diet is best.
Reach for quercetin in the event you need to inhibit the vaccine due to a mild adverse reaction. This flavonoid can prevent spikes from entering into cells. (33, 34) Grapefruit juice contains some flavonoids as well as other terpenes that possess multifaceted benefits. But, ensure you are NOT taking any medications that will react with grapefruit, such as warfarin. This mistake can be fatal in the event of a heart condition, for example!
Flavonoids work against the spike protein by inhibiting a select protease (3CLpro) which Pfizer began investigating earlier this year. PF-07304814, an intravenous 3CLpro inhibitor, recently completed a Phase 1b study for hospitalized patients with COVID-19.
But, how do Pfizer’s new experimental protease inhibitors compare to natural remedies?
We commenced a drug discovery program in early 2020, shortly after COVID-19 emerged, with the goal of identifying a potential treatment… We screened some of the compounds from our legacy SARS [coronavirus] protease inhibitor preclinical program, given its similarities to the SARS-CoV-2 protease.
In March 2021, Pfizer progressed PF-07321332 to a Phase 1 study in healthy adults evaluating the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of PF-07321332. (33) This is the first orally administered coronavirus-specific investigational protease inhibitor to be evaluated in clinical studies. If authorized or approved, both potential treatments may complement vaccination in cases where disease still occurs.
Jerica Pitts, Director of Global Media Relations at Pfizer
Furthermore, high amounts of the terpene, pinene, are found in herbs like rosemary and should eliminate some post-vaccine brain fog. (38) Pinene is likely one of the reasons why white pine tea has been recommended after a toxic reaction to the vaccine and subsequent spike proteins, next to shikimic acid. Although, I found no evidence that suramin, another beneficial agent, exists in white pine despite numerous claims. I implore that academic citations proving otherwise are posted in the comments.
Conclusively, flavonoids can help inhibit spike proteins lodged in receptor sites, provide anti-inflammatory relief from a toxic reaction, and even fight Sars-Cov2. Albeit, the spike protein might not be the main culprit behind adverse reactions, and flavonoids, terpenes, and grapefruit likely won’t break up a blood clot. But, we cannot provide true medical advice; please, seek proper medical assistance in emergencies if available.
Let us know if you have had an adverse reaction in the comments, and do not forget to report it to a national database, such as VAERS or Yellow Card. And stay tuned to learn how UPenn completely forgot about the endocannabinoid system while designing the vaccine and how that might be another culprit to heart complications.
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- Cell Damage:
- Spike proteins, especially S1 subunits, bind to ACE2 and Neuropilin-1. The antigen can cause damage to endothelial cells via several mechanisms. Binding to both receptor sites leads to iNOS disruption. Neuropilin-1 binding affects endothelial growth.
- Nitric oxide is a homeostatic agent; too much or too little of this mediator is certainly toxic. (39)
- Grapefruit, CBD, and some flavonoids act as CPY450 inhibitors. This can make flavonoids more effective against spike proteins but will affect the function of critical drugs with a potentially toxic outcome.
- CYP450 plays a critical role in nitric oxide and nitric oxide synthesis. (40)
- Blueberries contain a few good flavonoids, one of which will help increase nitric oxide in the blood vessels, slowly improving endothelial function without an effect on blood pressure. (41)
- Spike Inhibition:
- Flavonoids can also act as protease inhibitors, especially towards 3CLpro. Pfizer is studying a novel 3CL inhibitor that has benefits towards Sars-Cov2.
- Quercetin is beneficial as a protease inhibitor, which can be found in many foods.
- Olives are high in quercetin with a moderate amount of Linoleic acid
- Linoleic acid and Omega-3 fatty acids help block spike proteins from binding to the receptor site, and olives contain a modest amount of linoleic acid. (42)
- Linoleic acid metabolizes into the same inflammatory agent as anandamide, Arachidonic acid.
- White pine needles likely do contain shikimic acid which promotes the shikimate pathway, a critical mechanism for microbiome health. Pinene also supports the microbiome. The safety profile of pine needles is not well known. However, star anise also contains shikimic acid.
- Anti-inflammatory:
- CBD and ibuprofen both act as FAAH inhibitors which will prevent arachidonic acid production and increase anandamide levels, critical during heart inflammation.
- CBG is a potent PPAR agonist and COX-2 inhibitor
- Brain fog: the spike boosts ACHe via ACE2 and pinene acts as an ACHe inhibitor. (38)
Internal and external Conflict of Interests
- This author declares no conflict of interest regarding the content discussed within this publication.
- Drew Weissman is named on patents that are utilized for Covid vaccine technology and also receives funding for the development of cost-reduced mRNA vaccines for second and third-world countries.
- Dr. Walt is an inventor of single-molecule-analysis (SIMOA) technology used to detect the spike protein in circulation and the Founder, Board Director, and stockholder of the associated company, Quanterix Corporation. (9)
- Robert Malone MD has defended his lack of interest conflicts with mRNA vaccines and Novavax (a vaccine he has promoted) via Twitter and Linkedin.
- Reuters – Jason C. Smith sits on Pfizer’s Board of Directors and is also the current Chairman of Thomas Reuters Foundation. Smith is also a member of the World Economic Forum which publicly bolsters the current pandemic as a leveraging point to catapult radical political ideologies.
- The interests of other individuals described within this document are either unknown or are described in their scientific publications.
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