Animals Get High and Drunk – An Outrageous Crossword – The Latest Cannabis News Today
There is ridiculousness in what you’re about to read, so be prepared for some gimmicks. But before you go any further, try your luck with the crossword puzzle. It’s about wild animals stumbling out and getting high.
Below the crossword you will find the answers and explanations … if you can explain such behavior. To get you started, here’s a taste of what to expect … wait for the hungover warthog to end. You won’t want to miss it.
Mess monkeys
Monkeys like it mixed up. They do it because they like the intoxicating effects, especially when it comes to alcohol. In the Caribbean islands, the monkeys are known to steal drinks from tourists. In fact, these monkeys indulge themselves so often that we actually studied it. Surprise, surprise, their drinking habits are very similar to those of humans:
- Most monkeys drink in moderation
- 12% of monkeys drink a lot
- 5% drink too much
- A small group of the population completely rejects alcohol
- Young monkeys drink more than adults
Wasted wallabies
Opiate farmers don’t have it easy. Imagine this is your life: you live in a country where opium poppies are grown legally for pharmaceutical products. After spending the time and money to navigate through all of the bureaucratic hurdles, you are finally growing. You look outside at a poppy field and what do you see? A wasted wallaby that runs in circles, destroying your crops and eating the heads. You have no choice but to try to deal with the messed up marsupial. Unfortunately, the problem has gotten out of hand and the government has to intervene.
This wallaby was messed up and passed out under a tree.
This may seem like a ridiculous problem, but it is a serious problem for farmers in Tasmania. In 2009, the matter was brought up during a budget hearing by Tasmanian Attorney General Lara Giddings. “We have a problem with wallabies invading poppy fields, getting kite high and going around in circles,” the newspaper Mercury Giddings quoted in the hearing. “Then they crash. We see crop circles in the poppy seed industry of wallabies that are tall. “
Parrots get high and pass out
Opium farmers in other parts of the world are still grappling with animal gimmicks. In India the threat comes from heaven. Wild parrots have become a serious problem for opiate farmers because they steal so much of the harvest. On average, ten percent of each harvest is consumed by birds. Much effort has been made to prevent this from happening, but all attempts have been in vain. Parrots are, after all, highly intelligent animals. For example, the birds have learned not to make noise and to fly low so as not to be spotted. They steal a poppy head, fly back to their nest, get high, and pass out. Unfortunately, many get so high that they fall from trees; Worse, they’re too messy to fly away from approaching predators.
Amanita Muscaria
Siberian reindeer are also known to eat magic mushrooms, particularly Amanita muscaria. These mushrooms are considered poisonous to humans, but many have eaten them anyway. For humans, the effect is extremely energizing and can even increase strength; which makes her the favorite strain of the Berserk Vikings. We don’t know for sure if it gets you high, but behavior changes have been seen after ingestion. Apparently, these reindeer go from running around and eating on grass to jumping and frolicking with reckless abandon … and they’re not the only ones. Many different species of animals love to eat these magic mushrooms and many other varieties.
Watch this little squirrel eat a hero dose of magic mushrooms. This video was recorded in Richmond, BC.
Coyotes on mushrooms
Coyotes in California ate mushrooms and tripped. There have been many reports of coyotes approaching cars and behaving strangely around people. Although they don’t know for sure, scientists speculate that magic mushrooms are to blame.
People love to party and we’re not the only species. Only a few are listed here; there are many more party animals in the kingdom. Stay tuned until next week so more animals get high and drunk.
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