Analyzing a Redditor Guide to Healthy Cannabis Use

Weeds are fascinating plants and, depending on who is using them, they can be of great benefit or a hindrance to others.

Of course, over time, experience turns all newbies into professionals and so today we take a look at the wise wisdom of a Redditor who has a guide called; Lessons from 10 Years, A Guide to Healthy Use

See the original comment here.

Since I’ve been using for more than two decades now, I left it to myself to check the Redditor’s guide.

I will post their original statement and italics and my answers will be normal.

Here we go!

Even if you abuse weed – you mustn’t be addicted!

it is possible to lose control of your use, sink into a pattern of abuse, and then return to healthy use – just because you have abused weed doesn’t mean you have to label yourself “addicted” or the feeling got that you did your relationship with weed is irreparably broken

The fact is that our consumption behavior will change depending on what happens in our lives. Sometimes you consume more, sometimes less.

Sometimes you’ll crack the first bong in the morning, and sometimes you’ll be so busy that you only have time to take a puff out of a pipe at the end of the week.

However, if you come up with what you might call “abusive use” – you have an opportunity to correct course – so do just that!

Willpower is king!

With any withdrawal, there is a moment of ultimate darkness when all of your motivational reserves are exhausted and you have to make this heartbreaking decision to continue even though your mind makes up reasons to stop. When that part is over, everything will be easier

You can experience cannabis withdrawal – especially if you smoke the good stuff! However, as with anything in life, it is important to frame yourself properly.

There will come a time when you think, “SWEET FUCK, I WANT TO SMOKE A JOINT!” But if you are committed to your personal development, it’s a breeze.

Those who are truly addicted must first clearly identify their motivation for reduction, embrace and commit to all of the potential “negatives” associated with quitting.

Anything else will always make you shake in harsh conditions!

Payout is a waiting game …

Retreat is a waiting game and an art that you must master if you want weed to enrich your life. The sword cuts both ways: if you’re paving weed for the long term, you’ll have to accept the pain when it’s time to back off

Yes and no.

While withdrawing is a waiting game as it gets less severe over time, I don’t necessarily endorse the idea of ​​withdrawing.

I stopped smoking tobacco after about 15 years. That’s five years more than the Redditors on smoking cannabis, and considering that tobacco is infinitely more addictive than cannabis – I have had no withdrawal symptoms.

Don’t get me wrong, I felt it – but contrary to what the Redditor describes, I enjoyed my nicotine withdrawal. That’s because I phrased it that feeling the effects of withdrawal was a “sign that IU is winning”.

I knew that I felt “bad” every time – because the addiction was dying. In this case, getting the right attitude is more important than waiting. If you know your motivation, you can weather any storm!

Passion is the key!

It is almost impossible to control your consumption if you don’t have a passion / hobby that drives you more than weed

I agree, if your weed smoking is your passion – you will end up smoking pounds a year and never doing anything significant. Of course, you could start a Youtube channel, grow your following, and turn your overconsumption into a profession – but most people won’t.

Make sure you have something bigger than grass in your life.

Create consumption cycles

Once you develop a pattern of consistent, daily consumption, your brain is tuned to this reward and it is very difficult to revert to weekend / “moderate” consumption. During the moderate consumption attempt, many people exhaust their mind / body by repeating this half-withdrawal process. In reality, you just end up wasting a TON of mental energy fighting cravings. It’s better to have periods when you are 100% “off” or “on” so you don’t have to waste as much time / energy fighting these thoughts. If you are 100% active you can build a nice tolerance and enjoy the weed + avoid feeling guilty. When you have a 100% discount, you cannot constantly fight food cravings and really focus on your “grounded” life

That is reasonable advice. I would take a cannabis tolerance break every 3-4 months for at least 21 days at a time.

Also incorporate things like meditation and breath work into your daily routines and you will notice an impact on your consumption habits!

How can you be moderate?

The perspective that “moderation” is used every few days or on weekends is often counterproductive when it comes to weed. A more realistic definition, IMO, waits until the end of the day and takes as little as possible to achieve the desired effect. Weed is not alcohol and our strategies / definitions need to be different as we approach it

Agree! Using weed as your “end of the day” activity will help you be more productive. Firstly, it will prevent you from getting into a heavy consumption cycle, and secondly, it will help you sleep better.

If you have to smoke because of anxiety and stress, I recommend using CBD or just making a tincture. This will help you calm down without forcing the act of token.


IMO, many longtime stoners who feel guilty and sad about their use have self-medicated from the start for many reasons. Those who find it hardest to stop are the most dependent on their medications, and as addiction interferes it becomes even more confusing, especially to outsiders

I think we all meditate ourselves, whether for stress, pain, fear – or a mixture of everything. Recreational use – chasing after a bit of euphoria – is also a means of breaking away from the stressful environment that surrounds us.

However, some people experience real depression and without the right help from a professional – they are only dealing with symptoms, not the cause.

Part 2 is coming soon!

I’ll name it right here and bring the second part of this article next week. At the moment, this is more than good enough to give a glimpse into cannabis use. I don’t 100% agree with everything the Redditor has to say – but all in all, it has spoken wisdom so far!







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