Afraid of having to return to the office? Marijuana or CBD might help

When you’ve been working from home and have developed a new daily pace, getting called back into the office, even three days a week, can be stressful. The tug-of-war between employees and the return of senior management is playing out as JP Morgan, Amazon, Microsoft and others enforce new policies. Unions have weighed in on the conversation and it seems the new normal will be in flux at least until the end of 2023.

Some people are having trouble re-entering and perhaps CBD or marijuana can help. Anxiety and depression are different disorders. Anxiety is characterized by chronic worry, nervousness, and anxiety, while depression tends to revolve around sadness, numbness, or a loss of interest in normal activities or hobbies.

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Research shows that CBD can have a positive impact on insomnia, mood disorders, and pain.

Some patients suffering from depression may also develop social phobias and have difficulty with social events such as public speaking or going to parties. CBD can be used to improve such panic disorders and phobias by decreasing amygdala function. However, it is important to note that research into the effects of cannabinoids is still ongoing and evolving.

Before consuming CBD, you should consult your medical specialist or family doctor. CBD can help with some mental health issues, but it’s important to follow all of your caregiver’s instructions.

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