Adopting these behaviors can increase your lifespan

A Japanese study shows that adopting positive lifestyle changes and sticking to them lengthens people’s lifespans. While not surprising, these results are encouraging for people of all ages and show that adopting positive habits can positively impact your life, no matter your age, and help you live happier and healthier lives.

The study, published in the journal Age and Aging, was conducted by the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study Group at Osaka University. The group examined the effects of behavioral changes from middle age and how these affected life expectancy.

The researchers obtained their data from a study that included information on 49,021 people living in 45 areas of Japan, with evidence compiled from 1988 to 1990. The data included information on diet, exercise, sleep habits, body mass and more, giving the researchers a comprehensive picture of the issues of health habits.

Photo by Tyler Farmer via Unsplash

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Researchers found that subjects who adopted five or more healthy lifestyles had longer life expectancies regardless of age, even for those with chronic medical conditions.

“The results were very clear. A higher number of modified healthy behaviors was directly associated with longevity for both men and women,” said Dr. Ryoto Sakaniwa, the lead author of the study. The subjects who benefited the most were those who adopted behaviors such as reducing their alcohol consumption, not smoking, and sleeping more often, which could add up to 6 years of life.

In the case of chronic diseases, the researchers praised the study’s findings even more, noting that adopting positive behaviors can reduce damage from a variety of comorbidities, including cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and more. These results are particularly important given that the majority of older adults are affected by chronic conditions that limit their quality of life.

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While it’s logical to assume that adopting healthy behaviors leads to a healthier life, this is one of the first studies to scientifically back it up. In the case of older adults and aging people, it’s important to show that it’s never too late to adopt healthier habits and that they can only positively impact your life.

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