Accidental cannabis use of PSA
I often read about “accidental cannabis use” in children. The story goes that one toddler thought a cannabis-infused gummy bear was a normal one, only to end up in the emergency room or poison control.
Of course, the likelihood of someone receiving a fatal cannabis overdose is virtually non-existent. That said, you usually only “accidentally” consume cannabis by eating something edible – which means that instead of delta-9-THC you are getting 11-hydroxy-THC, which is said to be 10 times more potent than the former.
When we talk about accidental use in children; Humor seems to be absent from the equation.
However, there is another population group that is also prone to accidental consumption – the elderly!
This article addresses one such case where an elderly lady accidentally consumed cannabis-infused bread that her son had left on the counter. What she thought was just your normal old banana bread, turned out to be a little more than she could take.
The best PPE for the correct labeling of your food
The video – which you can see here – starts with “Mom” sending a video to her family. She starts;
“Hello family, this is the worst thing I’ve ever done … Jim and I cut quite a bit of it … edible banana nut bread… I thought edible means gluten-free and I was trying to find out if that was gluten-free or not … anyway … it wasn’t … it wasn’t that good … but I still ate a whole slice … but then it sinks in …
From that moment on, she begins to move from one emotional extreme to the other.
“Also, one bad effect pot has on me is … PARANOIA … it’s scary, it hits me like a fucking sledgehammer … I don’t know if I should get up …”
Except that afterwards we quickly see the scene as it is outside and tries to show us the bag that she is eating …
“Maybe I only ate half a slice … or maybe I ate a slice and a half!”
However, in her opinion it is the strangest feeling …
“It feels like LSD … not that I know what it feels like!”
I can tell you grandma, it definitely doesn’t feel like LSD. In fact, you’d probably be a lot more sensible if it were LSD.
As grass becomes more and more accessible …
While the video is steeped in comedy, it’s important to understand that an unexpected edible journey can be a daunting experience.
Anyone who has eaten “one too much” will testify to the sheer power of an edible, and in all likelihood bread was by no means weak.
Even if it was a “bland” bread, the trip can turn their world upside down for someone who has never used cannabis before.
Fortunately, the accidental doper stayed calm in the video, but what would have happened to someone who was “less chilled” in everyday life.
I remember when my mom ate one brownie too many and even though she was told it was going to be a trip, she wasn’t having a good time.
Interestingly, when my mother first tried LSD on her 60th birthday, my mother was much more in her body than with the cannabis.
A terrible cannabis trip
You might think a cannabis edible is pure joy, but that’s not necessarily the case. Sometimes demons lurk beneath the surface, blind to their presence.
But bring enough edible cannabis into your system and you can let the demons come out and play. While a seasoned psychonaut knows that in this situation it is best to just eat something, breathe slowly, and acknowledge that everything that happens “out there” really just happens “in here.”
However, even experienced psychonauts must acknowledge that this is not a very pleasant experience. I was so soaked in grass once that it took me almost 24 hours to come to my senses. Stubborn, heavy and unable to keep my eyes open – a platter of brownies is definitely above my personal threshold.
So relax if you stumble upon a big weirdo!
As mentioned earlier, proper breathing is one of the best ways to stay calm when stumbling. Personally, I like breathing slowly, evenly, or you could try something like box breathing; both send a signal to the central nervous system to switch from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system.
Or in other words, from “fight / flight / fear / fold” to “calm / digest”.
If you trip, your mind will start playing tricks on you. Therefore, the best course of action is to just focus on your breath, feel your diaphragm expand and contract, drink plenty of fluids, and remove as many stimulants from your surroundings as possible.
Psychonauts have a lot of sayings that get them through difficult times, one of them is: “Whatever goes up, has to go down!”
In the case of a cannabis edible, you can stumble for a maximum of a good six hours, but you will likely feel the intense climax about an hour to two hours after ingesting the edible.
All you have to do is have a coffee, maybe take a warm shower, dim the lights and sit back and listen to soothing music.
Then – just breathe out!
It’s that “simple” – but only on paper. Once plunged into a cannabis hole of desperation, it is not as easy said than done. Still you will be fine.
The sticky end result
If you plan to make edibles at home, be sure to label them properly. We know that children sometimes mistake infused edibles for regular sweets – so it’s just as important to store your edibles properly.
Remember, however, that it’s not just kids who want a “slice of bread,” so it’s only decent to properly label if a piece of food is going to screw you up. Especially in a word where cannabis is increasingly accepted and as a means of relaxation.
Fortunately, no one was injured while creating the video. Maybe your belly from excessive laughter.
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