A guide to Christmas gifts for cannabis enthusiasts
Now that cannabis use is finally making its way out of the dark corners, cannabis-related gear is becoming more sophisticated than ever. Gone are the days when cannabis enthusiasts were stuck with primitive, often homemade, tools before dispensaries were widely available. Today, weed-related products are easier to find and buy.
As you read this and the holidays are upon us, take this as a heaven sent list. Especially now that the legalization of medical and recreational marijuana is a regular discussion in more and more states and nations, you’re sure to find a growing number of family and friends becoming enthusiasts themselves. The reason? The undeniable, science-backed potential benefits that cannabis from high-quality sources like Cannassentials weed can bring to DC, among others.
With that in mind, here’s a guide to Christmas gifts for cannabis enthusiasts, making sure you’re giving them something they’ll really enjoy.
vape pen
Vape pens are becoming increasingly popular these days, especially for those looking to go nicotine-free. While vape juice is typically used to power vape pens, for cannabis enthusiasts there is also a new type of juice you can use. This is the so-called cannabidiol (CBD). It’s still like a vape juice or liquid, except its main ingredient is cannabis, so you can feel the effects of it.
This makes a vape pen an unmissable gift idea, just like the classic premium weed pipes. It’s perfect for those looking to smoke CBD discreetly. By using CBD as a vape juice, no one will know what you are smoking is cannabis.
Box of cannabis gummies
A box of chocolates is a crowd pleaser during the holiday season, especially when you don’t know what to give or are looking for a last minute gift. For the cannabis lover you care about, a box of chocolates can be made better with one secret ingredient – cannabis.
There are chocolates, but also gummy candies. It’s not just the taste of cannabis; Many are also masked with sweet delights. In addition to cannabis, gummies come in a variety of flavors, including orange, lemon, elderflower, and grapefruit. That way, you don’t have to worry about a strong cannabis flavor destroying the joy of sweet treats.
Cannabis Cookbook
Here’s something for someone who loves both cannabis and cooking. Since they love to experiment in the kitchen, making homemade cannabis treats is easy. You need recipes to make cannabis-infused foods like brownies, cookies, and salads.
Even though there are many recipes online, there is still something special about having your collection of cookbooks in the kitchen. Who knows, with this cannabis cookbook, you might become an expert at cooking with weed.
Botanical Tea
One of the main reasons many have come to love CBD oil is that it helps them relax and reduce stress and anxiety. The best way to increase this feeling of relaxation is to enjoy a cup of tea in the afternoon or to end the day.
This tea can come in a variety of flavors such as CBD gummies, gummies, and chocolates. This way you can shop for your favorites just like any other ordinary type of tea. Each bag contains approximately 20mg of cannabis. This way you get the benefits of both the tea ingredients and the cannabis.
Cannabis Perfume
Every Christmas gift guide has that one thing for someone who has everything. For those who fall into this category, the usual way of gift-giving is to opt for perfumes. If you’re wondering why, the answer is simple: you can never have too many perfumes.
If you have a friend who loves perfumes and is also a cannabis enthusiast, you would be happy to know that some pharmacies or pharmacists have perfumes containing weed! It’s now not only about smelling good, but also about feeling good and relaxed after spraying and smelling your perfume.
Cannabis Candles
Still all about relaxation, here’s another article for the housewife, which is also about creating the right mood at home with scented candles. Sure, you’ll have your own tried and tested candle scents, but why not try cannabis? Suppose you are addicted to using cannabis for relaxation and recreation. This scented candle should then become your personal must-have at home.
This gift is best given only to adults who live alone. Or, if you have children around, do not light them until they are already asleep in their rooms. While CBD products are generally safe even for children, the last thing you want is them basking in their scent.
Leave that for adult me time. You deserve this rest and relaxation.
CBD body lotion
This next article is for the lady who loves her skin care routine! CBD has many amazing benefits, some of which relate to the skin. You’ll be surprised to hear from many friends and family who may have switched to a CBD-infused skincare routine.
CBD lotion is one of the top must-haves in their skincare collection. Each pump of the lotion is loaded with full-spectrum CBD, allowing your skin to absorb the maximum potential benefit.
THC-infused spices
There are those who like their meals pure, while there are those who like to spice up basic and dry foods. Ketchup, mayonnaise, hot sauce, and sriracha are some favorites. However, did you know that there are also spices enriched with tetrahydrocannabinol or THC? It sounds pretty adventurous, but if you love cannabis, why not try it anyway?
Don’t worry about the dose, because the spice is as carefully dosed as it is delicious.
4/20 isn’t the only time to give a weed gift
Now that you have this list of the best weed wonders and canna buys, you’re just a few steps away from giving amazing gifts to cannabis enthusiasts. Remember that April 20th It’s not the only time you can give a weed-themed gift. For cannabis lovers, it’s year-round.
The holiday season in particular can be exciting, but buying gifts year after year can leave you at a loss as to what to give next. Add the above items to your shopping list, many of which you can find at quality pharmacies in your area.
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