Introduction of the operator hub: an essential resource for cannabis and hemp license holders

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Success as a cannabis and hemp operator begins with knowledge. Regardless of whether you have recently received a license or are an established player, you will find your products to introduce your products, to follow your market, to forecast new growth areas and to keep an eye on your competition. Here the new Cannabiz Media operator comes into play.

The operator Hub is a free subscription for the Cannabiz Media Cannabis Market Intelligence platform, which is offered exclusively licensed operators to ensure access to critical and comprehensive industry data.

What is the operator hub?

The operator -Hub serves as a central resource for cannabi operators and combines them with essential data, tools and options that can rationalize their business and accelerate their growth. It offers access to the data in the leading cannabis market intelligence platform from Cannabiz Media to explore the license holders when researching other operators, companies and the people who work there to pursue the industry as a whole.

The main difference between the operator -hub and the other hubs offered in the platform -growth, insight and compliance -is that the operator -hub is offered as a free subscription for licensing holders and is therefore not automatically equipped with certain premium tools such as the -Mail campaigner or dynamic exports. However, users have the option of getting an update to get the entire series of tools.

Important advantages of the operating center

In this way, operators can benefit from comprehensive cannabi market data …

  1. Recognize new opportunities
    Know exactly where you can introduce your products for maximum expansion by finding new wholesalers and shops to wear your product. You can also identify new states or areas in your state that have less competition and more market share potential.
  2. Track your market
    Stay before all other trends and growth areas by observing the market saturation and other important metrics of industry.
  1. Receive notifications
    Be the first to know when new licenses will be exhibited on your market to observe new competitors and opportunities. Set up custom observation lists and e -mail notifications for the activities that are most important to you.
  1. Build connections
    Use contact information to expand co -operators to expand their professional network or generate qualified sales management.
  2. Lead conformity
    Simply check the licensing status of supply chain partners to ensure that the companies with which they maintain relationships are legitimate operators. You can also pursue violations and recalls to avoid surprises and headaches.
  3. Dig into competitors
    Perform competitive research on competing operations to remain one step ahead. Discover details how big, how big your facilities are, important civil servants in your teams, what kind of equipment and software you use, etc.

How to get access to a free subscription

ΦIt is easy to bring your free account to the operator hub! Simply fill out the requirements form for the operator account to request access. The Cannabiz media team checks their authorization based on the licensing status and delivers login information. As soon as you are enrolled, you have immediate access to all data and resources that should speed up your cannabis shop.

ΦLast thoughts

ΦWhile the cannabis industry continues to grow and develops, the need for more precise market data for a successful, licensed company becomes even more important. The operator hub of the Cannabis Market Intelligence platform is the perfect resource for owners of cannabis & hemp licenses who want to remain the curve and position their business for long-term success.

All license holders – no matter the size of the company – are encouraged to use this free resource! Still open with the operator hub to access the data you need to bring your company to the next level.

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