What are cannabis and CBD topicals?
Summer brings sunburns, bug bites, and more…all annoying while having fun in the sun. What are cannabis and CBD topicals and can they help? These products are creams and can help with wrinkles, localized pain, and more. How they work and how to find the right product is the trick. Cannabis can do a variety of things, with pain and inflammation relief being two of the plant's most important benefits. Topicals are creams, gels, lotions, and ointments that can help with superficial and slightly underlying skin issues.
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In 2023, over $617 billion was spent on beauty products worldwide. These include fighting wrinkles, slowing skin aging, and minimizing scars. Research shows that cannabis and CBD can help. They offer a range of potential anti-aging health benefits that can make your skin look smoother, softer, and even more youthful. More good news is that CBD can also help with acne, psoriasis, and eczema.
Another important benefit is pain management. One key difference between cannabis and CBD is that CBD doesn't contain the THC that gets you high. But both help with inflammation and relieve pain and discomfort from strains, strains, etc. Summer is a great time to be outside and try new things, but it can cause unused muscles to become strained and irritated. Simply rubbing a remedy on the injured area can reduce pain and swelling. Deeper injuries, such as bones or deep ligaments, will not benefit, and the benefits of the remedy may not penetrate deep enough to have an effect.
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If you're going to use a topical, it's important that you find one that's effective. Here are some things to look for so you get the most benefit from it, especially if you're using it for pain management.
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Concentration: There needs to be enough cannabinoids to actually have a therapeutic effect on the user. This could be pain relief, anti-inflammation, skin repair, etc. This usually means at least 10 milligrams per application, up to 25 or even 50. In other words, look for a product with at least 250 mg per ounce. If a jar only has 50 mg of CBD, it won't do much. Lab tests should demonstrate the concentration of cannabinoids.
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Consistency: The product should have the intended results/benefits and be reliable and predictable in its effects. This is primarily achieved through consistent formulation, dosing and handling, as well as sourcing the actual product. Look for products that contain at least 250 mg of CBD per ounce of product. Additionally, look for products that contain high-quality, skin-nourishing ingredients in addition to CBD. Consumers should expect the same standards they look for in other high-quality skin care products by choosing products that are all-natural, preservative-free and fragrance-free, and therefore contain no mineral oil, no petroleum byproducts, no parabens, no phthalates, and no artificial ingredients.
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Always buy products from reliable retailers and, as with any product, read the reviews. As with most products, the effect may only be seen after repeated use.
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