Carefully mixing marijuana with alcohol
The holidays are a time of great celebrations, big parties and lots of fun. On holidays, family dinners occasionally feature members who need to “bring something to the car that I forgot,” age-old code for a little time to graze. However, be careful when mixing marijuana with alcohol.
Christmas parties, seeing old friends, work events, and just being festive or stressed out – lots of reasons to drink or use marijuana. Occasionally there is a mixing of alcohol and weed, called a crossfade. During the social holidays there seem to be more occasions where the combination is offered at some point.
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Consuming cannabis and alcohol together increases the effects of both and results in increased side effects, including slowed reaction time, loss of coordination, and problem-solving and decision-making skills.
Photos: Adam Wilson via Unsplash; msqrd2 via Pixabay
When it comes to drugs, there’s caffeine, alcohol, and cannabis (in order). It should come as no surprise that many people take them together, and it is well known that alcohol increases the absorption of THC.
Despite the potential dangers associated with mixing, it is common for this to happen. If you combine marijuana and alcohol occasionally and in moderation, the risk is lower. But regularly this brings health problems and more. Newbies to canna may also experience more severe reactions because they are unfamiliar with the dosages.
Drinking before using weed can increase the effects of weed. This is because alcohol increases the absorption of weed’s main psychoactive ingredient, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
This generally results in a stronger high. While this may be pleasant for some people, for others it may cause them to turn green. This refers to a series of unpleasant physical symptoms such as sweating, dizziness and nausea.
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Consuming weed before drinking alcohol can minimize the effects of alcohol. This means you may be drunker than you feel, increasing your risk of becoming excessively drunk.
However, be careful when mixing marijuana with alcohol as peak season may not be the right time to experiment.
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