How to avoid marijuana paranoia

We live in a crazy time with social media, politics and everything else. For experienced and new folks alike, a little cannabis to restrain and relax is a blessing. In fact, Generation Z is moving away from alcohol and some are turning to weed. California is sober. However, hiccups occasionally occur. Here’s how to avoid marijuana paranoia.

Narijuana can cross the line between deep relaxation and iparanoia, with a single variable tipping the scales in either direction. Paranoia occurs when consumed, something that can put people off when they feel stressed. There is no standard way to prevent this, but there are ways to control some of the variables that can cause you to spiral out of control.

THC is a complex compound; There are many mysteries and the available data is sparse and contradictory, but when it comes to its effect on anxiety, there is a clear answer. Small amounts of THC are effective in relieving anxiety, and larger amounts are likely to increase the likelihood of experiencing it.

As always, marijuana is deeply personal and there is no one-size-fits-all approach; What may help ease anxiety for one person may not work for another, but may provide a helpful frame of reference.

The THC/CBD ratio is important

Photo by Terrance Barksdale from Pexels

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The relationship between CBD and THC is important, especially when it comes to anxiety and paranoia. CBD plays an important role in counteracting the psychoactive effects of THC. Strains high in CBD, or with equal amounts of CBD and THC, may not give you the giggly euphoric yet delicious effects of THC, but will still leave you feeling relaxed after a long day of intense focus on your computer stare.

Keep an eye on your triggers

The most popular marijuana consumption methodsPhoto by Elsa Olofsson via Unsplash

If you’ve had a bad experience with marijuana, try to remember what happened the day it was triggered. Was it because of the stress? Was it your mood? Was it the people you were with? Keep these variables in mind whenever you plan to limit and limit the amount of stressors. Start slowly, preferably with something you’ve tried before, and increase the amount or experiment over time.

If you are in a fragile mental state, you should exercise caution

Stress vs. Burnout: What's the Difference?Photo by Christian Erfurt via Unsplash

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While marijuana can be used to treat anxiety, timing is very important. When you experience your peak anxiety, try your best to take it easy. If you plan on consuming weed, control the amount of THC you consume and only smoke with people you trust and feel comfortable with.

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