5 ways to become more empathetic

Empathy is a word that is often thrown away. It is a word that specifically means to feel something with someone (i.e. to put yourself in the other person’s shoes). While it is easier to feel compassion for the problems of others, understanding another’s pain is a skill required in all aspects of life.

According to Psychology Today, empathy is a crucial quality for maintaining all types of relationships, from friendships to marriages. It is a trait that requires time, practice and personal growth to flourish.

Here are five things you can do to become a more empathetic person:

Think of it as a skill

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Although there are people who have better empathy than others, everyone has it within them and it is never too late to develop it. Make a conscious decision and try to understand and listen to other people without interrupting them, even if they are completely wrong.

Don’t focus on the positive things

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When someone comes to you with a personal experience that hurt them, don’t look for the silver lining. While being positive may help you feel better, this habit erases people’s feelings and invalidates their struggles. Even though it’s difficult and uncomfortable to listen to someone talk about a terrible situation, it could be exactly what that person needs.

Reach out to people who are different than you

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When you surround yourself with like-minded people, you find it difficult to show your empathy. Make every effort to have conversations with people who think and act differently than you. Commit to listening to others and trying to understand their position. It is also important to know that understanding and empathizing with someone does not mean agreeing with them or condoning their actions.

Don’t try to fool people

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Humans are naturally self-centered, but it’s important to curb this impulse when trying to be empathetic. If someone tells you something sad that happened to them, don’t tell a darker story yourself. When people open up and are vulnerable, they expect you to listen. It is not necessary that you become the protagonist of this conversation.

Be kind to yourself

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Forgive yourself if you cannot understand some people’s thoughts or if you are unable to bear their losses. Mashable reports that people who punish themselves because of guilt can, in the long run, weaken their desire to help and listen to others. To maintain a high level of empathy, it is important to ground yourself in reality and manage your emotions.

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