What are cannabinoids and can you lose weight with THCV or sleep better with CBN?
What are cannabinoids? We’ve all heard of cannabis and hemp, THC and CBD, but what about THCV and CBDV, CBN and CBG? How many cannabinoids are there? It turns out there are more than 100 cannabinoids, each with unique effects and benefits. For example, THCV oils and gummies increase energy and suppress hunger, making them a potentially useful addition to a weight loss program. On the other hand, CBDV is being studied in autism, CBG in pain and inflammation, and CBN is considered best for relaxation and deep sleep.
For this article, we asked industry leader Rare Cannabinoid Company to answer the most frequently asked questions about these beneficial compounds, their uses, and how to take them. The premium Hawaiian company was the first to produce pure THCV and CBDV oils and has the largest selection of oils and gummies of CBC, CBDA, CBDV, CBGA, CBG, CBN, THCV and terpenes.
Questions and Answers with Rare Cannabinoid Company:
What are cannabinoids? They are a class of compounds found in cannabis and hemp plants. CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are the most well-known cannabinoids, but there are many others that offer unique benefits.
How many cannabinoids are there? More than 100! At least 113 different cannabinoids have been identified in cannabis and hemp.
How do cannabinoids work? They interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which regulates mood, sleep, appetite, inflammation, and other functions.
What do cannabinoids do? They vary depending on the cannabinoid. For example, THCV increases energy and decreases appetite, which has led to its association with weight loss. CBN is now believed to promote relaxation and deep sleep.
What types of cannabinoids are there? Only a small fraction can currently be extracted and used in commercial products. These include: CBD, THC, CBC (cannabichromene), CBDA (cannabidiolic acid), CBDV (cannabidivarin), CBGA (cannabigerolic acid), CBG (cannabigerol), CBN (cannabinol) and THCV (tetrahydrocannabivarin). We expect this number to continue to rise as advances in breeding and extraction continue to improve. Visit our Rare Cannabinoid Company website for links to news articles and dozens of scientific studies on each rare cannabinoid and its effects and benefits.
Cannabinoids make you high? Some cannabinoids, like THC, cause psychoactive effects (aka “high”). However, many others such as CBD do not have this effect. For example, THCV is thought to improve focus and concentration.
Are cannabinoids legal? In the United States, the 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp-derived cannabinoids, which contain less than 0.3% THC. This means that products like CBD oil, CBG oil, and CBN oil are widely available and completely legal in most states. However, synthetic cannabinoids like delta-8-THC are banned in many states.
What are synthetic cannabinoids? There are different types of synthetic cannabinoids. Some are artificial chemicals that mimic the effects of natural cannabinoids. Often sold as “spice,” “legal highs,” or “herbal incense,” these can be very dangerous. Others like delta-8-THC are converted from CBD to THC. Delta-8-THC occurs naturally in hemp and cannabis, but it occurs in such small amounts that almost all delta-8-THC for sale is entirely synthetic.
Are cannabinoids healthy? There is growing evidence that cannabinoids provide a wide range of health benefits. For example, CBD has been shown to improve stress resistance and reduce transient inflammation, and a CBD product has been approved as an anti-seizure drug. CBDV is now being studied in children and adults with autism spectrum disorders, and THCV has been found in animal studies to reduce hunger and offer benefits in obesity and type 2 diabetes. CBG oil is also used in many animal studies on various diseases. However, synthetic cannabinoids like delta-8-THC can be dangerous, especially when they’re manufactured in unregulated facilities and don’t provide proper third-party lab test results.
What side effects do cannabinoids have? This largely depends on which cannabinoid you are ingesting. For example, THC is psychoactive and increases hunger. Conversely, THCV can improve focus and energy while suppressing hunger. For someone who is overweight, THCV may be helpful, but for someone struggling with an eating disorder, appetite suppression would be a negative side effect of THCV.
How do I take cannabinoids? The most popular way to ingest cannabinoids is orally, in the form of oil tinctures or gummies. We offer pure extracts, full-spectrum Hawaiian CBD oil blends, and gummies. We recommend mixing and matching cannabinoids based on your wellness needs or even the time of day. It is also good to combine cannabinoids for the entourage effect. We believe that oils and gummies are among the healthiest and safest ways to ingest cannabinoids, but there are many other ways to ingest them, including smoking and vaping.
What are the main health and wellness benefits of each cannabinoid?
CBN Effects: The main benefits of CBN are relaxation and deep, restful sleep, hence it is known as the “sleepy cannabinoid”. CBN gummies and oils are commonly used alone or with CBD to help people calm their minds and fall into a dreamy sleep. CBN oil is also being studied for pain and inflammation.
THCV Effects: THCV is referred to as “skinny pot” or “diet weed.” The main benefits of THCV are increased energy and decreased appetite. THCV weight loss has been studied in rodents and THCV oil has also been found in animal studies to help with addiction to nicotine and possibly other substances.
CBDV Effects: Potential CBDV benefits include increased sociability, reduced irritability, and memory benefits. CBDV is being studied for seizure disorders and autism spectrum disorders. As the first and only company to offer a pure CBDV oil, it has proven very popular.
CBG Effects: CBG is known as the “mother cannabinoid” as it is the precursor to THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids. CBG has shown promise in reducing inflammation and pain. It is also being studied for possible future potential in treating many diseases.
THC Effects: THC is the main psychoactive component of cannabis. THC benefits include increased appetite and relief from transient pain and nausea. However, it can also induce anxiety and paranoia in some people.
Delta 8 THC vs Delta 9 THC: Both forms of THC are very similar. Delta-9-THC is abundant in cannabis plants, while most delta-8-THC is a synthetic cannabinoid that is converted to delta-8-THC by CBD. Delta-8-THC is said to be about one-half to two-thirds as strong as delta-9-THC. It can also increase hunger even more than delta-9-THC and can be dangerous due to its manufacture.
Which plants produce cannabinoids? While most come from hemp and cannabis, cannabinoids can also be found in other plans such as rhododendron, licorice, liverwort, and echinacea.
Does hemp seed oil contain cannabinoids? No, hemp seed oil does not contain cannabinoids. Hemp seed oil is extracted from the seeds of the hemp plant and contains almost the same nutrients as other oils such as flaxseed oil and fish oil. However, it does not contain cannabinoids such as CBD, THC, CBG or CBN.
What does total cannabinoids mean? When you see this on the product packaging, it refers to the total milligram weight of all the cannabinoids in the product – CBD, CBG, CBN, etc. added together. It is important to know the amount of each cannabinoid you are ingesting. For example, if a product says “THCV Gummy Candy” but the THCV content per gummy is 1 mg and the total cannabinoid content is 24 mg, it may essentially be a CBD gummy with a tiny bit of THCV. Please note that our THCV gummies contain 25mg of THCV in each gummie! However, if you’re looking at a hemp-derived delta-9 THC product, to be legal, it needs to contain a large amount of CBD and other cannabinoids, and stay under 0.3% THC by weight. It would also be dangerous for a product to contain too much THC because it is psychoactive.
Is there anything else you’d like to add to our cannabinoids Q&A? That covers all the bases on these amazing compounds. As you can see from the last question, each cannabinoid is unique and there is a lot to learn about them. For those looking for more in-depth information, please take a look at our own Questions and Answers, numerous blog posts and links to scientific studies on our website. We also have a directory of independent cannabinoid consultants who see patients in the office and via phone and video appointments. These doctors, nurses, and clinicians can answer questions about which cannabinoids are best for specific situations and ailments. For product advice on oils and gummies, we welcome questions by emailing us at info@rarecannabinoidco.com. Thank you for this opportunity to share our knowledge and interest in cannabinoids.
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