Do you have fat nuggets? – Tips to improve the density of your cannabis flowers
Buds that come out popcorn-sized are pretty disappointing to look at, especially after proper germination, a long flowering period, and weeks of veg, not to mention all the hours spent tending to your buds.
Here are some insights on how to prevent such results and grow bud with admirable density instead.
Genetics are an important factor in growing dense buds. There are over a hundred common strains of marijuana, each with slightly different characteristics. Some act as an energizer and others have a stoned effect. Some stay low to the ground and bushy, others grow to lofty heights. The bud density also varies from variety to variety.
Genetically, there are strains designed to give fluffy, airy buds. This does not mean that they are of lower potency, although it does affect their attractiveness. Sativa strains often give airier buds, while the indicas often give compact and thick colas.
When looking for the densest buds, a heavily indica-dominant hybrid, or preferably a pure indica specimen, is the best place to start. India has a wide inventory of genetics that vary wildly in flowering time, effects, and flavor.
Temperature plays a big role in the size and shape of cannabis buds. The plants can withstand temperatures of up to 30°C and flower in a moderately wide temperature range ie 18-26°C. However, when temperatures fall outside of the ideal range due to heat waves or cold snaps, the buds start going crazy and become breezy.
Planters need to ensure temperatures stay cool enough during the day and warm enough at night. Indoor growers have an advantage here as it is easier to control the climate in grow rooms. You can automate it using timers and sensors, or just fans, air conditioners, a hygrometer, and heaters.
Outdoor planters have less freedom and remain exposed to the elements. Shade cloths are placed around the plants to avoid excessive heat.
The most important factor in achieving dense buds is probably light. It is needed by plants to grow, make essential sugars, and carry out photosynthesis. However, not just any light is enough. Plants need the ideal intensity and spectrum of light to produce resinous, plump buds.
Plants grown outdoors will do best in direct sunlight for most of the day. 10-12 hours is ideal. To maximize exposure, planters should purposefully plant them on slopes that face south. The plants should be arranged so that they have a sufficient broom between them and do not block each other’s light
Indoor growers have a variety of light types to choose from. LEDs are one of the best. They hardly emit any heat, are powerful and not expensive to maintain, the only downside is the acquisition costs if you opt for high-quality panels.
Planters should aim for a light intensity of 1000W per square meter. This intensity is enough to optimize the plant’s steady growth and produce dense buds. Growers need to be aware of the position of their lights. Positioning very far away reduces the speed of photosynthesis. But positioning too close can also reduce bud density and cause heat stress.
If using LEDs, place them 60cm above your plants. Bring the light source closer daily. If you begin to retain signs of blanching, gradually raise the light by 2 inches until symptoms subside.
If you leave your plants to their own devices, they will tend to grow vertically and produce one main bloom. This is not ideal if you plan to increase bud density and yield. Luckily, various techniques can help improve the appearance and quality of your plants.
One of the most effective techniques that can help improve the appearance and quality of your plants is low-stress training. In this method, the main stem of the plant is tied to the side of the container with garden wire. The side branches then begin to grow vertically, producing a multitude of main buds. You can also use high-stress techniques like topping to increase bud density and increase branching.
Pruning can also be done to improve growth, shape, and bud quality. By removing selected branches and leaves, growers focus energy and resources on the flowers instead.
We understand that harvest time is exciting! You’ve watched your plant grow from fragile seedlings to flowering beauties for months. Novice growers tend to pull shoots away from the plant as quickly as possible. This is fascinating, but it is important to wait for the right time. The buds grow quickly during the flowering period and can be compacted simply by waiting a few more days. There are several factors you need to consider to know if the timing is right. Use a magnifying glass or jeweler’s loupe to see them better.
The harvest indicator is the color of the trichome. These are crystal structures that cover the surface of buds and sugar leaves. In the early stages of flowering, the trichomes appear translucent. Eventually it gets cloudy. When most of the trichomes are cloudy, it’s time to harvest.
Growers should also pay attention to the pistil, which is a hair-like structure found throughout cannabis flowers. The young pistil is white, but when mature it turns orange-red or brown.
Cannabis requires a wide range of nutrients to thrive, including macronutrients like phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen, and micronutrients like manganese and zinc. Plants begin to show signs of deficiency when they are not getting enough nutrients or cannot access them. However, excess nutrients can also damage the plate and reduce bud density.
Planters should apply nutrients as recommended by the product. Again, play safe and give 50% of the recommended amount in the early stages of the diet. The pH of the soil should be slightly acidic to avoid deficiency symptoms. Introducing beneficial microorganisms into the soil, like mycorrhizal fungi, helps plants access the nutrients they need.
With these six tips highlighted above, you should be able to produce the more desirable, dense cannabis buds and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
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