How to clean your weed grinder

If there’s one tool that isn’t strictly necessary but will greatly enhance your cannabis experience, it’s a grinder. The device allows you to efficiently grind your weed, doubles as storage, and is the easiest way to build up your kief reservoir.

While you could grind up weed with your hands, scissors, or even a small container with a coin in it, a grinder ensures you don’t rob your weed of trichomes and other factors, making for a stronger and more enjoyable experience.

Despite the many benefits that grinders have, you still need to clean them regularly. These devices often become clogged with weed debris and debris, making it difficult for them to do their job effectively. When your grinder blades are dirty, the cannabis buds are likely to be ripped and ripped rather than cut, which is best avoided when packing a bowl or joint. Avoiding cleaning your grinder could also lead to a buildup of bacteria and decomposed elements, something you definitely don’t want to breathe in.

Photo by Jose Antonio Luque Olmedo/Getty Images

Cannabis grinders come in a variety of materials and shapes. Most are shaped like a circle with different compartments for storing weed and kief. By cleaning it frequently, you ensure that your grinder will last a long time and that the blades and their effectiveness are maintained.

How to clean your grinder.

Separate all parts

These are the 7 cutest marijuana grinders on AmazonPhoto by VasilevKirill/Getty Images

Make sure to open all the drawers on your grinder and remove all plant materials. Pay special attention to the kief compartment of your grinder, as this part tends to fill up unnoticed. Keep it in a safe place so that you can consume it at any time.

Soak the mill

cannabis grinderPhoto by Esteban Lopez via Unsplash

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While wiping it down with a clean towel and some isopropyl alcohol will do the job, soaking the grinder in alcohol for half an hour will do the same, eliminating the scrubbing and resulting in a more thorough cleaning. Rinse it with water, making sure to remove any cannabis residue or dirt and dry it.

For a more thorough cleaning

5 TikTok spring cleaning hacksPhoto by JESHOOTS.COM via Unsplash

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If your grinder needs a more thorough cleaning, after separating and cleaning all the parts, you can pop it in the freezer for 30 minutes. This step will freeze the plant debris and make it easier to separate from the grinder. You can then clean the grinder with a toothbrush and soak it in alcohol for 30 minutes. Rinse and dry.

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