What’s new in marijuana fees you need to know
We did it – weed is finally legal! Or is it? As legalization spreads around the world, current marijuana fees are now under review, giving cannabis users hope for real change. Long are the days of being arrested for smoking a joint. But depending on where you live, you could get a fine. So that means we’re not there yet. Here’s what’s new in marijuana fees you need to know.
This new development in weed and law is new and can feel like walking on thin ice for avid cannabis users. And while some countries are lenient on marijuana use, the North has always been somewhere in the middle between illegal and medically legal. But with recent public acceptance and changes in marijuana laws, things are starting to change for the better. The most important thing every cannabis user in the world should know is their local marijuana laws and the answers to the following questions:
Can you still be arrested for cannabis possession?
The short answer is yes, depending on where you live. Issues such as owning, selling, or growing weed vary from state to state. In Canada, the minimum age to buy weed is 19, except in Alberta and Quebec. In America, some states ban weed and others like California and New York have legalized it for medicinal and recreational use. The fact remains, however, that cannabis is not entirely legal in the United States. “One thing that everyone in the United States needs to understand is that possession of cannabis is still a federal crime,” said Dustyn Coontz, criminal defense attorney and founder of Coontz Law in Michigan. “There are Department of Justice guidelines directing U.S. attorneys and federal agencies like the FBI and DEA not to worry if the person is following state laws, but that is subject to change.”
How have the laws changed since then?
In Canada, the Cannabis Act came into force in 2018 and created a legal framework for citizens regarding production, possession and distribution. In the US, legalization of cannabis can be dated back to the 1900s. As politicians and public figures noticed an increase in immigrants (particularly Mexicans), they also took note of their native customs, language, and medications they brought with them when entering the United States. One of them is cannabis. As the media and leaders spread fear about cannabis use, the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 was enacted, banning the use and sale of recreational cannabis.
Fast forward to today’s modern world: US politicians see cannabis differently. But changes in the marijuana law haven’t been as quick as expected. Canada passed its legalization of cannabis in 2018, becoming the second country to legalize medicinal and recreational use. In 2008, Michigan voted to pass the Medical Marijuana Act to allow a citizen to purchase, own, and grow weed. Until 2021, when the Court of Appeals ruled that judges could no longer give a person a suspended sentence for medicinal cannabis. “Police officers can still use the smell of cannabis as an excuse to arrest or search someone’s car if they suspect they may be operating while intoxicated,” Coontz explained. “Again, federal law hasn’t changed.” Cannabis has been used by people for centuries, but official cannabis legalization has taken years.
What laws should cannabis users know about?
It should go without saying that avid weed users should do their due diligence and familiarize themselves with the laws in their current location. According to Rebecca Pirius, legal editor and attorney, most marijuana regulations are made at the local and state level. However, the US Congress can enact federal legislation for acts that occur on federal property or transportation that affect the movement of goods or services across state lines. So make sure to check your local laws on your state’s website, stay up to date, and use better judgment when using weed in public places.
“And for heaven’s sake,” says Coontz. “Don’t bring cannabis onto federal land.”
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