Three ways cannabis improves your social skills

Post-pandemic social awkwardness

Do you feel speechless? Millions of other people feel the same way. The pandemic has ushered in the age of awkwardness, from the stress of social distancing measures to the shift to isolating remote work to the lack of facial expressions due to masks. Mask requirements will be lifted and society will have to adapt again. Face-to-face communication was awkward due to desensitization. But don’t worry – cannabis is here to help you get back to your social norm. Here are three ways cannabis can improve your social skills.

Cannabis improves verbal episodic memory

A research study published on ScienceDirect shows that CBD boosts verbal episodic memory. Verbal episodic memory is the ability to remember words spoken by others. Obviously, this type of reminder is helpful to you in many ways, such as when you are desensitized to face-to-face contact. Hearing and processing words is something you may not be used to post-pandemic, working alone at home and interacting solely with your computer every day. It can take a long time to process what someone is saying, which can lead to awkward conversations.

This is where cannabis comes in.

Cannabidiol can improve your verbal episodic memory and help you process verbal communication faster and without awkward pauses. You will remember previous conversations and be able to move on to the next part of the conversation which is communication. For this you need to improve your verbal fluency.

Cannabis improves fluency

When you converse with others, there are generally two parts to a conversation.

There is listening and there is communication. Without these, there is no conversation or connection between people. You need to master both to become someone other people want to connect with; Cannabis can be an efficient tool to help you get there.

In addition to increasing verbal episodic memory, cannabis also improves fluency. Verbal episodic memory is the ability to remember words and fluency is the ability to produce words. You need both skills to easily connect with others. This is basically why many music artists or writers tend to smoke cannabis to get into their “flow” state of mind where words flow out like they’ve memorized the dictionary.

With cannabis your ability to communicate what you are trying to express drains, people will be amazed at how eloquently you speak.

Photo by Omar Lopez

Cannabis reduces your anxiety

Fear of what we say, how we act, how we look, and what others think of us can make us unwilling to talk to others. When this happens, it’s called social anxiety. It can be debilitating and make us not want to interact with others, which can be very unhealthy as social interaction is a human need.

Cannabis May Help With Anxiety – THC and CBD in cannabis can cross the blood-brain barrier and trigger anxiety-related changes in blood flow in the brain. This change in blood flow effectively reduces anxiety and helps us stay calm, relaxed, and energized.

Using cannabis will result in you being able to manage your feelings of nervousness when engaging in a conversation.

Use cases of cannabis products to improve social skills

There are a few ways to use cannabis products to improve your social skills, depending on the situation.

The best cannabis product for social skills is a hybrid THC/CBD oil or edible. This is because cannabis oil and edibles take longer to digest and are slowly processed in the bloodstream throughout the day. This allows cannabis to deliver its benefits over a longer period of time. The benefits of cannabis oil or edibles, depending on the dosage, is that you may be able to accomplish your tasks without feeling intoxicated.

However, if it’s a social outing, party, or concert, you might want to smoke a joint beforehand. Smoking or vaping allows you to get cannabis up and running in your system as quickly as possible. Then you are free to socialize with ease, be less afraid, and have a great time with others as those words flow out of you like the articulate conversationalist that you are.

Have you struggled with social anxiety lately? Are you struggling with conversations? What have you done to improve your social skills? Let us know in the comments below. Follow us for more cannabis information.

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