Cannabis, marijuana and hemp – what exactly is the difference?
Many names are ascribed to the plant, scientifically known as Cannabis Sativa. From weed to hemp to cannabis to marijuana, this seven-pronged leafy plant has a list of aliases that seem to be growing as fast as the plant itself.
Many names associated with Cannabis Sativa refer to the same type of plant or product, but not all of these terms should be used interchangeably. In fact, cannabis, hemp, and marijuana all refer to different products. It is important to understand the difference as some of these products are perfectly legal while others have been linked to possible crime.
Many cannabis enthusiasts understand the difference between cannabis, hemp and marijuana, but “a third of Americans think hemp and marijuana are the same thing, according to the National Institutes of Health, and many People still search for cannabidiol on Google – a cannabis derivative known as CBD – will get you high.” The conversation.
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Cannabis is kind of a generic term. The word Cannabis is an abbreviated name that comes from Cannabis Sativa, its scientific plant name. “The word ‘cannabis’ refers to any product derived from the Cannabis sativa plant,” the company said US Department of Health and Human Services. This means hemp is a form of cannabis, and marijuana is also a form of cannabis.
Cannabis is a term that can be used scientifically and is also commonly used when referring to the cultivation of hemp and marijuana. However, when it comes to using the terms hemp and marijuana, there are more specific criteria.
hemp, from definition, is a form of the cannabis sativa plant that is cultivated for its toughness bast fiber and edible seeds and oil. This fiber is often referred to as hemp. Industrial hemp currently cultivated in several areas of the United States with strict regulations thanks to the year 2018 farm bill.
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Although hemp’s defining attribute is its beneficial fibers, the biggest difference to marijuana is its THC content. According to the law (Farm Bill) and definition, hemp must not contain more than 0.3% THC. In other words, hemp is a great product for making stuff and oil, but it won’t get you high.
Photo by Christin Hume via Unsplash
Marijuana comes from the same plant species as hemp, but it is Are defined as “the psychoactive, dried, resinous flower buds and leaves of the female hemp or cannabis plant.” Marijuana is found on the female cannabis plants and is found on the flowering buds it produces.
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What separates marijuana from hemp and the generic term “cannabis” is its THC content. In short, marijuana is the cannabis that gets you high. This means that most nicknames for cannabis – like pot, weed, and ganja – all refer to marijuana, its buds, and its psychoactive properties. This also means that marijuana is a term for a drug that is often still illegal.
Although cannabis, hemp, and marijuana can have different meanings, they come from the same plant species. Cannabis Sativa is a universal and versatile plant, so it’s no wonder it has been given so many names throughout history and around the world. After all, it seems to have as many uses as it has names.
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