Does Cannabis Use Really Prevent Coronavirus Infection?

A new study this week has stoners gleefully, late-night talk show hosts giggle, and a pandemic-ridden public ponders a scenario straight out of a stoner comedy: Could Cannabis Really Fight Off Covid?

The truth is annoyingly less straightforward.

The study published in the Journal of Natural Products found that “Cannabis compounds prevent the virus that causes Covid-19 from entering healthy human cells”.

According to the study’s authors, “cannabigerolic acid and cannabidiolic acid prevented the infection of human epithelial cells by a pseudovirus that expresses the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and prevented the entry of living SARS-CoV-2 into cells”, while “cannabigerolic acid” and cannabidiolic acid were equally effective against the SARS-CoV-2 alpha variant B.1.1.7 and the beta variant B.1.351. “

A report from Bloomberg helped distill all of this for the layman.

“The two compounds commonly found in hemp – called cannabigerolic acid or CBGA and cannabidiolic acid or CBDA – were identified during chemical screening as having potential to fight the coronavirus,” Oregon State University researchers said. In the study, they attached themselves to spike proteins of the virus and blocked a step that the pathogen uses to infect humans, ”explained Bloomberg. “The researchers tested the effects of the compounds against alpha and beta variants of the virus in a laboratory. The study did not include giving the supplements to people or comparing the rates of infection in those who use the compounds with those who do not. “

“These compounds can be taken orally and have a long history of safe use in humans,” said Richard van Breemen, a researcher at Oregon State’s Global Hemp Innovation Center, in a statement cited by Bloomberg. “They have the potential to both prevent and treat SARS-CoV-2 infection.”

There are a few details to consider. Oregon State University’s in vitro study didn’t go as far as testing in humans because the limits of medical cannabis research continue to be the norm. In addition, cannabigerolic acid and cannabidiolic acid are converted into other compounds after decarboxylation and / or smoking. For example, smoking probably isn’t an efficient way to get these benefits.

Nesas Hemp is the manufacturer of the “world’s first full-spectrum live organic CBDA hemp extract”. The company uses live hemp and preserves the plant’s natural molecular structure, as well as naturally occurring CBDA and other beneficial phytonutrients.

“The recent study by researchers at Oregon State University underscores what we’ve known for years – CBD has medicinal properties. However, the big takeaway from this study is that the compounds that help prevent the virus that causes COVID-19 from entering human cells are cannabigerolic acid, or CBGA and cannabidiolic acid, CBDA, NOT the generic CBD compounds that are found in so many hemp products today, “Inesa Ponomariovaite, CEO of Nesas Hemp, told High Times. “That’s because CBGA and CBDA are made from raw, live hemp, which ensures that the healthy compounds naturally occurring in the plant get into the end product that is ultimately consumed by humans. Regular CBD products are often made by burning the plant, which is not only carcinogenic but also damages the plant’s molecular structure and changes its medicinal properties. In fact, research shows that CBDA is often 1,000 times stronger than CBD and helps reduce inflammation, improve digestion, boost the immune system, improve sleep and stabilize mood. “

Ponomariovaite went on to say, “Currently, most CBD products use extreme temperatures and other harmful processes to extract cannabinoids from the hemp plant to make hemp extract, also known as hemp oil. This damages the natural cannabinoid acids and the medicinal properties of the plant. “

The study went viral and sparked laughter and warnings from experts as well. The revelations turned out to be quality fodder for nightly monologues.

“That would be interesting. The whole time we heard the CDC that we should have eaten CBD, ”cracked Jimmy Kimmel on Wednesday.

“You know, it’s funny – all these crazy remedies, I think, ‘Oh, that’s ridiculous.’ Ivermectin, the de-wormer for horses; bleaching. And then someone says, marijuana prevents Covid, I think, ‘Oh really? Say it, ”he said.

Stephen Colbert couldn’t resist either.

“Great news for all teenagers whose parents find weed in their room: ‘Oh, mom, I see you found the covid-stopping drugs that I kept in my sock drawer. These are not mine. No no. These are not mine. I only think of them as my friend Tony Fauci, ‘”he said on Wednesday.

“In other words, the pot penetrates the body and asks Covid: ‘Are you a cell? You have to tell me if you are a cell, ‘”Colbert added.

Cannabis use will not replace coronavirus vaccinations

However, this does not mean that you should trade a jab for a joint.

As Chris Roberts explained to Forbes, the Oregon state study shows that “that certain cannabis-derived preparations, in the right amount, could help people fight off Covid-19,” which he thought was “exciting.”

“What this research doesn’t mean is that smoking cannabis will help protect you from the coronavirus, or that ‘weed will stop covid’ (at least in a practical sense) or that is why someone has covid, while another didn’t had something to do with cannabis, ”wrote Roberts.

Forbes highlighted several other reasons to be skeptical of clinical trials. “

Sodergren told Forbes that the study also “provides no evidence of smoking or using cannabis products to do the same”.

The benefits of hemp and cannabis continue to unfold. Dr. Raphael Mechoulam was ahead of the game, praising the health benefits of cannabinoid acids in 2019.

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