No vaccination card, no weeds!

Quebec recently made headlines when it called for mandatory vaccination to buy cannabis and alcohol in the province. As a result, they saw registrations quadruple for the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. Mandate activists propagated this as a victory for the efforts against Covid, but there are many critics of this step who ask the question: “When will these mandates become coercive?”

Another major concern of some critics was that showing proof of vaccination at places like pharmacies or liquor stores only increases the incentive to return to the cannabis black market – where proof of vaccination is not required. Nonetheless, political change has increased the number of people who want to get their first vaccination.

The Quebec Health Minister said this incentive does not apply to home delivery of your cannabis, but if people have not been vaccinated at least once by Jan. 18, they will be banned from these locations.

Here are some of the critical voices that have been reported on Muggle Head magazine’s website;

Impressive. I’m as “pro-vaccine” as I can get, but that’s wrong. @TrinaFraser

They make so much money selling cannabis! Why should they make access difficult? Aren’t they just sending people to the black market? @ Lalun3

According to Health Minister Christian Dubé, the move served to protect the unvaccinated;

“I hope this will be an added incentive for some to get their first dose,” said Dubé. “The vaccination record will be extended to certain non-essential companies in the coming weeks and we will come back with a list after talking to the industry.”

According to Dubé, the political incentive was also to reduce hospital stays.

Should these kinds of politics be allowed in a free society?

While the move to vaccination is portrayed as an attempt to protect people, there has been some serious debate over the past year about how people can be motivated to get vaccinated. In the US, several companies like The Daily Wire are suing the federal government, demanding the legal validity of vaccine mandates.

All over the world there are constant protests against these extreme measures, because ultimately the question is whether such mandates are actually valid in a free society. Indeed, there is legitimate cause for concern as authoritarianism increased significantly in 2021. In other words, there has been a significant loss of individual freedom since the pandemic and while some people believe it is temporary, others fear that this pandemic will only end with an accomplice world and digital vaccination cards to travel the world.

Whether or not you believe the vaccine was heaven sent and the answer to the pandemic, the fact that you have to give up your freedom to get it is an indication that it is, at least from a “political perspective” one better must give way.

Rights are not privileges

One of the things I’ve been campaigning for for more than two decades is individual freedom. I have mistakenly believed that this is “advocating for cannabis rights,” but as I got older I understood that I believe in the individual’s right to exist, no matter how they choose to exist, as long as it does not directly violate the freedom of others.

Some may claim that by “not taking the vaccine” you are violating the rights of others, but refusing to consume is not a “violation of the freedom of others.” Freedom can only be violated by force and coercion.

When you say, “You need a vaccination certificate to buy weed,” you are essentially saying that you as an individual do not have a basic human right to legally buy cannabis. You say this because of your desire to refuse a medical experiment (also known as a mass vaccination); You do not have the right to legally source cannabis from a sanctioned store.

Whether or not you think it is “necessary” for the pandemic, accept the fact that you have no right to buy cannabis unless you have strict government approval to do so. This is one of the fundamental problems stoners have had with the government since legalization.

The government no longer has the right to tell you what you can and cannot put into your own body, any more than it has the right to tell you what can come out of your mouth.

De-escalate the narrative

Personally, I’m not a fan of forced vaccinations – you know, because of the whole Nuremberg Code – but I’m not in favor of demonizing “the other” either. This is a dangerous trend that I noticed online and see people develop more hateful intentions. Just the other day I read a tweet thread where people were talking about their “tolerance of the unvaccinated” and judging by the tone of their messages – you could almost taste the hatred.

It was then that I realized that if we continue to play the pandemic game and listen to politicians who want to divide us even more in order to suppress our rights – we will end up in one of the worst “timelines” of humanity.

However, when we are able to look beyond ourselves and see “others” for who they are – people like you and me who are not sure who to trust and who do only the best to protect themselves and protect their families. After all, both sides have good intentions. Those taking the vaccine believe they are doing it to stop the pandemic, reduce contagion, and get us through this shitty show. Those who oppose the mandates do so to protect your freedom and liberty to stand up against tyranny and to ensure that you still have enough rights to enjoy life after the pandemic.

I see it like this; If you feel that the vaccine is protecting you against Rona, then you should take as many booster shots as your heart desires. And if you want to take your chances with the virus and see how fair you are – you should be allowed to do that too.

After all, every good science experiment has a control group – and if people could just choose to be “controls,” the whole world would be better because we had empirical data showing the net positive or negative of the vaccines.

However, what do you think of using cannabis and alcohol as incentives to get people to get vaccinated? Should people be free to choose their own medical interventions? Let us know in the comments below!




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