What is your pineal gland and what does cannabis do for it?

The pineal gland has been referred to as the third human eye for millennia. It is located at the epithalamus, the point where the two hemispheres of the brain meet. Scientists have concluded that the pineal gland has a massive impact on the brain, defining it as a sensitive endocrine gland that produces important hormones. Speculation about the effects of cannabis on the pineal gland circulated. Some say the herb can help open / activate glands.

This is a comprehensive report of various studies of the effects cannabis plants have on this essential neurological organ.

General overview of the pineal gland

Cultures around the world believe that the pineal gland represents the unity between the spiritual and humanistic forms of a man.

The Egyptians, Indians and Greeks symbolized the pineal gland through their art. In ancient Egyptian art it appears as the third eye; in India, the Hindus illustrate this gland with a red dot (traditionally called a bindi) on the forehead to indicate the connection of humanity to the spiritual world. In Greece it is mentioned in ancient mythology.

The philosopher René Descartes also referred to the pineal gland in his medical research. He called this point the basic seat of the soul and the source of all emotions and feelings. Although several of Descartes’ works have been discredited over the years, his portrayal of the pineal gland has been endorsed by various cultures.

Physiologically, the pineal gland is an essential point in the brain. It is a pine cone-shaped endocrine gland that is structurally similar to the eyes and can sense light. His representations in art usually take the symbol of the pine cone shape.

Functions of the pineal gland

Production of melatonin

This is the main function of the pineal gland. According to a John Hopkins sleep expert, melatonin is a hormone that puts a person into a “calm wakefulness” state. With the help of the pineal gland, the brain can initiate light and dark signals in the environment or stop melatonin production.

Once the brain is able to perceive the dark surroundings, it sends a message to the pineal cells called pinealocytes every day to stimulate the production of the sleep hormone. During the day, melatonin levels are significantly low and at night these levels are raised to at least eight times the daily level. Melatonin production peaks around 3-4 a.m., after which it begins to decrease. Chemically, pinealocytes convert tryptophan, an essential amino acid, to melatonin through a series of complex enzymatic reactions.

Serotonin Production

Serotonin, also called happiness hormone, is another important hormone that enables brain cells to connect. Communication between these cells helps regulate emotions such as happiness, sadness, and fear. With the help of the pineal gland, serotonin acts as a catalyst for the production of melatonin. It also uses tryptophan as a precursor in its various body functions.

Psychoactive substances and the pineal gland

Many studies have been done to explain why psychoactive substances affect the pineal gland. Many researchers have given their opinion on it. What all conclusions have in common, however, is that the pineal gland is in the best position to absorb almost all substances that are not adequately shielded by the blood-brain barriers.

The pineal gland is vital in regulating a person’s emotional state at any time of the day. It helps maintain a healthy and positive state of mind. This is the main reason why psychiatric drug use affects the complex responses of the pineal gland. These psychoactive substances change the normal perceptual state of the pineal gland.

The effects of cannabis on the pineal gland

Many traditions and spiritually inclined groups believe that marijuana activates the third eye and helps other body organs to perceive deep layers of spirituality and reality.

Scientifically, researchers have found that cannabinoids affect the endocannabinoid system (ECS). In the ECS, THC, CBD, and other compounds in the herb either bind to receptors in the ECS or catalyze enzymatic reactions. These reactions with receptors, enzymes and signaling molecules control various secondary reactions in the body’s physiology.

In 2008, a publication in the Journal of Pineal Research confirmed the availability of ECS components in the rat pineal gland. The authors wrote that they were able to detect enzymes and ECS receptors in tiny animals. This discovery implies that the pineal gland may be controlled by the ECS. The paper categorically stated that CB1 and CB2 receptors were detected. Fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) has also been identified.

Cannabis industry scientists are currently studying the many reactions in the pineal gland when cannabis is consumed. They’re also trying to figure out the role of every molecule in the pineal gland, especially the molecules that inhibit FAAH, to help increase anandamide levels in the system. Once this mechanism is understood, researchers have a chance to regulate the activities of the pineal gland, which leads to favorable results.

Relationship between cannabinoid and melatonin

Researchers are studying the role of ECS activities in melatonin production. In 2006, some scientists discovered that a number of cannabinoids, THC, CBD, and CBD, interfered with the production of the sleep hormone in mice. However, this research was conducted over a decade ago and the number of strains tested was limited, so many people are somewhat skeptical of the published results.

The conclusions of the publication indicate that cannabinoids inhibit the production of melatonin levels.


The pineal gland is a vital part of a complex system, that is, the endocrine system. Scientists are still a long way from uncovering all the complexly interpreted reactions in the pineal gland, as well as the full influence of cannabis on this fascinating gland.

Both cannabis and the pineal gland are revered by many cultures for their important spiritual functions; however, it is still unclear whether the magic herbs increase the spiritual inclinations of the “third eye”. It would be exciting to discover how well cannabis changes the fundamental responses of the pineal gland.







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