What is your favorite thing to do while high on marijuana? (Reddit voted!)
I recently wrote an article analyzing the “why” of your cannabis use – but in this article we’re going to take a closer look at “what” you can do when you are zoomed in.
There are an infinite number of activities that one can do while high, and this article is by no means based on real science. You will learn this quickly from the first answer we are about to cover. Rather, the inspiration for this article came from a Reddit post that asked the simple question;
“What is your favorite thing to do while you’re high on marijuana?”
So let’s take a look at what several redditors had to say on this question.
The very first “thing” to do while high on marijuana seems to be “yourself”! This was of course posted by a Redditor titled “Cumbersome Improvements” and was most likely meant as a joke. However, if you’ve ever masturbated while high on cannabis, you would most likely agree that masturbation with weed is “different” than without cannabis.
Whether it’s your favorite pastime is subjective – but I’m sure there are plenty of young adults out there who enjoy smoking and are quick bangs for entertainment.
Personally, I prefer to do much more nuanced things with cannabis than stay at home and beat it up all day – however, given that there were numerous positive voices on this particular comment, I decided to stick with it.
Watch television or movies
Redditor JeffThompson2002 said;
“Watch TV or movies. Bob’s Burgers and King of the Hill are damn fun to watch, as is anything with Gordon Ramsay while I have the nibbles so I can die screaming while eating while he yells at people and calls them fat sacks of crap and useless donkeys.
Cannabis really allows you to get “in” whatever you’re doing. You can easily get lost in a story or just relax while you look at some “thought candy”. Of course, what you watch is 100% subjective preference, but many stoners would agree that watching a movie or a show while smoking doobies is definitely a fun activity.
Again, this is something you do sparingly – if you smoke weed and watch TV all day, maybe try going outside and sitting in the sun for a while – get some of that vitamin D!
Enjoy mental calm
User Demurist said;
“Enjoy the absence of intrusive thoughts.”
Sometimes cannabis can help calm the mind. This is especially true if you have been worried about something for days. Cannabis can break this negative feedback loop and allow you to choose “more satisfying thoughts”.
I wouldn’t say cannabis completely silences the mind, however. Rather, it changes the flow of thoughts – from one focus to another. Usually, the thoughts you focus on while high are much more fun and joyful.
Learn things
Believe it or not, stoners really love to learn. They just don’t like learning shit that is forced on them. User RedHeadWolf said “watch instructional videos” and this is true for a lot of people.
There is a lot of educational material on the internet. Personally, I always try to learn new things – things outside of my comfort zone. Why? Because it makes my mind more flexible and I like to learn new things.
Many cannabis users enjoy getting high and learning new things, experimenting with ideas, and just growing as individuals. Try searching a rabbit hole with mushrooms on the internet – you will get lost for days!
listen to music
Listen to a song you’ve heard a thousand times when you’re sober and high on cannabis – suddenly you notice small nuances within the track. The bass, the percussion, a hidden voice in the background – there’s a deeper dimension to listening to music while you’re high.
Make music and anything else that’s creative
If you’re musically inclined, songwriting or plucking your guitar strings might be your favorite things to do while you’re high. However, anything “creative” is just as fun while high. There are tons of songs and book ideas that I came up with while I was high.
As a writer, it’s in my nature to explore new ideas and bring concepts together. When you’re high, whether it’s painting, dancing, making music, or building, creativity is definitely a fun way to spend your high.
Many cannabis users like to cook while high. It is therapeutic and solves your “Munchie” problem at the same time. If you prepare well, you can even become a better cook by planning an elaborate recipe and cooking it on a high level.
You will either have the meal of a lifetime or an interesting story – but there are no downsides to cooking high.
Watch the stars
Reddit user “Split_cheekz” said, “Star gazing. Also grocery shopping for dinner lol. ”The customer review has been automatically translated from German.
Shining under the stars is definitely an unforgettable cannabis experience. You can easily get lost in your thoughts and let your mind run free. While not many people look at the starry sky, it is definitely worth going outside with a spliff and watching the night sky.
Another fun activity is hanging out with friends. Cannabis integrates perfectly into social environments and it is as the user “tri333ple” said;
Meet up with friends, have a beer, play Uno, and when you draw a card, sip a beer. All of this while listening to some 80s synthwaves on YouTube. Trust great time with the homies when you do this! !
Maybe not so much the synthwave, but hanging out with friends is definitely a fun activity while high. There is just a social element to smoking weed. You can be deep, shallow, serious, or light-hearted – cannabis makes great conversations.
What am i missing
Of course, the “favorite things” mentioned above are very subjective and limited to a small group of people who answered the question. Why not help us explain and let us know what your favorite high AF activities are in the comments section.
5 things to think about while high on weed read this!
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