Cannabis use during pregnancy has been linked to these childhood problems
Cannabis use in pregnant women has long been a controversial issue, with too many unknown factors for anyone to confirm this behavior. Now a new study shows that the consumption of cannabis during pregnancy puts the unborn child at risk of developing psychological and behavioral problems in infancy and childhood. And this is not the first study of its kind.
The research, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, was led by neuroscientist Yasmin Hurd, who wanted to better understand the drug’s effects now that it is increasingly available.
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The study drew on data from a larger study on stress and pregnancy that looked at stress and how it affected fetal development. The new study focused on 322 mother-child matings; Of these women, 71 reported using cannabis during pregnancy.
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Although the sample size is very small, the study found links between cannabis use during pregnancy and higher levels of stress, anxiety, aggression, and hyperactivity in children. The main finding of the study was the fact that these women were found to have genetic changes in the placenta, which served as further evidence of their children’s symptoms of aggression and hyperactivity.
These results were found in hair samples from children that contained more cortisol than the offspring of mothers who did not use cannabis and in behavioral assessments where studies reported more aggression and hyperactivity.
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Cannabis has emerged as an alternative medicine for treating a wide variety of conditions, including symptoms of pregnancy such as vomiting and nausea. Nonetheless, the evidence available regarding cannabis use and pregnancy suggests that the drug should be viewed in a similar way to smoking and alcohol use during pregnancy.
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“There are studies linking its use to miscarriages, low birth weight and premature birth. We have also seen in studies on monkeys that THC crosses the placental barrier into the fetus, but the fetus does not readily metabolize the THC, ”wrote Dr. Thomas Green when asked about his thoughts on using cannabis during pregnancy.
To manage pregnancy symptoms, it is best to stick to methods that are as safe for the fetus as possible. The relationship between cannabis and pregnancy is not fully understood, but there are enough red flags that should make pregnant women suspicious and cautious.
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