What is HHC and does it make you high?

This article originally appeared on Cannabis.net and was republished with permission.

A full understanding of HHC can be a bit tricky as it has only recently hit the market. Few retailers currently have it for sale and mostly in the form of vape carts. HHC is said to have a lot of potential, so don’t be surprised when you hear more about the cannabinoid.

With federal and state agencies continuing to ban delta-8 THC, HHC is now offering more legal appeal and promises to canna enthusiasts. This is because HHC is not a THC compound and is also said to evade drug testing. However, the evidence for this is only anecdotal.

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HHC is known chemically as 11-nor-9β-hydroxyhexahydrocannabinol. It is a semi-synthetic cannabinoid and a hydrogenated form of THC. HCC was first made in 1944 by an American chemist named Roger Adams. To produce HHC, Adams added hydrogen molecules to delta-9-THC and converted THC into tetrahydrocannabinol (HHC). This process is known as the hydrogenation reaction. However, while Adams made HHC from traditional cannabis-derived THC, a modern approach is used today. Due to cannabis possession and consumption laws and guidelines, low-THC cannabis plants and hemp are used to make HHC.

How is HHC made?

Since HHC is a semi-synthetic compound, it is made in the laboratory. Low-THC molecules from cannabis are isolated to yield specific cannabinoids with the potential to compete with their pedigree. HHC is produced when a certain amount of hydrogen is administered to a cannabis compound, which changes its chemical structure. A metal catalyst is then added to induce a reaction with the compound. This catalyst increases the overall reaction without damaging the product. The entire chemical reaction creates HHC, which otherwise wouldn’t occur in nature.

The catalysts commonly used to make HHC include platinum, palladium and nickel. These metal catalysts are removed once the reaction is complete.

How Safe is HHC?

As with any of the newer hemp-derived cannabinoids, little information is available about the long-term and immediate effects of HHC. In fact, there are no standard dosages for these cannabinoids including HHC. Because hemp-derived cannabinoids are not subject to cannabis laws in states with legal adult consumption, retailers and manufacturers do not test their products. As a result, the safety, purity, and effectiveness of hemp-derived cannabinoids (including HHC) are not guaranteed.

However, some retailers are still testing their HHC products in outside laboratories. The tests show a product that contains 99% HHC.

How strong is HHC?

A common ground has yet to be found regarding the potency of HHC. This is because when cannabinoids are made, the product is usually a mixture of two different types of HHC molecules. These molecules include 9R HHC and 9S HHC. While 9R HHC actively binds to the body’s endocannabinoid receptors, 9S HHC does not bind as well due to the different molecular structure. The 9R HHC molecules that fit into the receptor produce the same effects as Delta-9-THC, but at a higher dosage. Therefore, with a significant amount of HHC dose, THC-like effects can be identified. Put simply, HHC can have the same effects on the mind and body as THC, but HHC is lower in potency than delta-9 THC.

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Some HHC users have claimed that HHC causes a pleasant and average cerebral high. There are also claims that HHC acts as a pain reliever. Some claim that they feel sharp, energetic, and strong after using HHC for recreational use.

Benefits and Effects of HHC

Among the recently introduced cannabinoids, HHC is the only one that is very similar to Delta-9 THC. HHC is similar to Delta-9-THC in terms of chemical structure and therapeutic effects. Because of this, many have reported effects such as pain relief, anxiety relief, brain and body, relaxation, and happiness after consuming HHC.

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Although many studies are still ongoing to better understand HHC, some studies so far have linked HHC to curing cancer. Along with other synthetic and natural cannabinoids, HHC has been discovered to shrink tumors in cancer patients. This is great news for HHC and its future potential as a medicinal cannabinoid

Vape pen

Photo by Dmitry_Tishchenko / Getty Images

Does HHC show up on a drug test?

Many people turn to HHC with claims that cannabinoids can bypass drug testing. However, any evidence to support this claim is only anecdotal. Most of the allegations are hearsay only. James Stephens, vice president of innovation at Creo, a natural cannabinoid ingredient company, also confirmed that these claims have not been proven in any way. Although he claimed that it is possible that HHC might not be converted to 11-hydroxy-THC, which is a popular metabolite for drug testing. If HHC is not converted to 11-hydroxy-THC, it can escape drug testing.

There is currently no concrete evidence to back up the claim that HHC does not show up in drug tests. Don’t bet your career and your job on hearsay and anecdotal evidence.

Is HHC Legal?

This is perhaps the most complicated question about HHC. We would say yes. This is because HHC is derived from hemp and not made from THC. Because of this fact, HHC should be clear. HHC gums, edibles, and vapes are legal at the federal level and should remain legal at the state level as well. Other arguments supporting the legality of HHC claim that HHC is found in pollen and seeds of hemp plants. It is therefore not synthetic and therefore completely uniform across the country.

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Currently, HHC products hover in the gray areas of legality between hemp (which is legal) and cannabis (which is not). Until final legislation is announced, retailers and manufacturers will continue to assume that HHC is legal.

Bottom line

All HHC (Hexahydrocannabinol) products are made from chemically hydrogenated HHC from THC. Based on current research, HHC is not dangerous or harmful by itself, but be aware that the way it is made can be dangerous. Therefore, the HHC product you have purchased may have many impurities and impurities due to poor hydrogenation processes. So make sure you buy your HHC products from reputable and credible HHC vendors who have their products tested by third parties.

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