The state of Texas vs. Delta-8 THC
Texas is a strange state. Some parts of it are very progressive while others are extremely conservative and often pass laws that are at odds with the rest of the country. In one such case, Texas decided to completely ban Delta-8-THC, a psychoactive compound made from hemp that is currently banned from the Controlled Substance Act.
This came as a shock to the many CBD dealers in Texas. For most, the legality of Delta-8 was not in question, but the Texas Department of State Health Services posted the notice on their website;
Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 443 (HSC 443), introduced by House Bill 1325 (86th Legislature), allows consumable hemp products in Texas that do not exceed 0.3% delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). All other forms of THC, including Delta-8 at any concentration and Delta-9 above 0.3%, are considered List I controlled substances. A List of Category I Controlled Substances can be found at the following link: List of Controlled Substances of the Category I.
Needless to say, this detracted from the profits of many head shops and pharmacies as Delta-8 became a very popular product considering it produces a high similar to Delta-9 THC.
However, lawmakers have put in place a blanket ban on all forms of THC above the state limit of 0.3%. This prompted pharmacies and head shops to remove their products.
“It really comes out of nowhere. It’s not based on science, it’s not based on a real threat to Texans, ”said Rick Trojan III, board member of the Hemp Industries Association. “The whole thing is confusing for everyone involved. It sounds like DSHS doesn’t even understand why they know what they’re doing. ”SOURCE
This is often the case with lawmakers who make unilateral decisions based on something that is far beyond their experience. However, due to the fact that this move was taken by the DSHS and not through the proper legal channels, there is a possibility that this may not persist as a manager at Lit Smoke & Vape Said;
“It’s still on our shelves until it’s legally ruled illegal,” said a manager at Lit Smoke & Vape. “These people have no authority over the law. So until the law says it’s illegal, no, we’re going to keep selling it. They tried to ban CBD two years ago and they were sued and it failed. So it will happen again. “- Lighted Smoke & Vape
There are many other companies who think the same way, which means it is now up to companies to fight this law. We’ll see several companies contest the state’s decision over the next few months, and until then, many stores will continue to sell it despite the DSHS claiming it is a “Schedule I” substance.
Why is euphoria a bad thing?
Why does the government want to ban them when there is a drug that is good for you? There is currently no scientific evidence that Delta-8 poses a significant health risk to humans, and it appears to be more of a moral position.
This is because in the United States, using “illegal” drugs is an immoral act by law. The US believes that drug use is an act of “bad morals” and that justifies making it illegal.
If you can buy mind-altering substances like alcohol, which also creates a kind of euphoria, why can’t you also have substances like THC legally? It makes no sense that “a substance” associated with much more death and violence can legally be bought in restaurants and bars – yet cannabis and its derivatives must be scrutinized to ensure everyone’s “safety” guarantee.
The main problem is that lawmakers with no experience of drug use have assumptions based on decades of state programming that “drugs are bad … mmmkay!” Because of this intrinsic belief, they automatically demonize anything that falls into the “illegal drugs” category.
They believe that a “drug free society” is an attainable idea. That “only if we get the drugs out” will people (fill out the field). This idiotic notion was the justification for decades of oppression. However, there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support these decisions.
Fortunately, there’s a paradigm shift going on around the world – except maybe in places like Singapore, where they’ll murder you right for weed. All over the world we are starting to see countries realizing that the “arrest everyone” approach does not make drugs go away. In fact, evidence suggests that these policies are not only dangerous but also corrosive to government ethics.
Euphoria is not a bad thing, it is not immoral to use your endocannabinoid system to administer phytocannabinoids to induce a temporary state of “comfort”. This is far less dangerous than having a couple of beers at night, it has a far lower chance of being addictive.
Why I stand up for My Body My Choice …
A society is only as free as the individual. This should be the guiding principle for all governments and we should always strive to ensure that “individual freedom” is respected. Why?
Because if the individual can do what he wants with his body – then he starts with all the other bourgeois issues that people are fighting for. These include women’s reproductive rights, trans rights, gay rights, black rights, white rights, and any other rights you can think of.
This is because, while all of these groups can identify as a particular group, they are all made up of individuals. Hence, the highest form of freedom is what you can do to your body, mind and spirit.
It is interesting to see that Texas – a state that is vehemently against the Covid mandates because of “freedom of choice” – is restricting the freedom of choice of Texans in the same breath.
I’m almost certain that Delta-8 will continue to be sold regardless of what the state ordered. Let’s Go Brandon isn’t just Fuck you Biden after all – it’s “Fuck’em All!” Biden is just the current goal, but that feeling has long been proven – so don’t let the man take your rights … just those Rights we fought for decades.
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