That leads to an increase in cannabis jobs

COVID-19 has presented us with the shocking reality that working from home is possible. It also showed how undervalued many employees are. Now that companies are back in their offices, employers expect many of their employees to quit rather than return to a job they never valued. And many of these workers discover their passion in an unusual place: the cannabis industry.

According to The Washington Post, many disgruntled retail workers have turned to cannabis. While 2020 was a terrible year for the country’s economy, the cannabis industry grew 32%. According to a report conducted by CannabizTeam, the cannabis industry is the fastest growing industry in America with 320,000 full-time jobs this year.

RELATED: 32% Cannabis Job Growth In 2020, Despite COVID-19

Photo by Michele Ursi / Getty Images

The Washington Post spoke to a variety of employees who had left their retail jobs and are now in the cannabis industry. “I’m so much happier,” says Jason Zvokel, who used to work in a pharmacy and is now employed in a pharmacy. “For the first time in years, I don’t feel unhappy when I come home from work.”

While Zvokel earns 5% less than before, his hours and work expectations are more manageable. “People stopped left and right and I was told to do a lot more than I could physically,” he said.

The “Great Resignation” was not only induced because people prefer to work from the comfort of their home – a large majority of employees felt they were undervalued. And it only got worse as the pandemic progressed and employers demanded more and more of their time and energy without offering adequate compensation.

RELATED: Cannabis Steals Workers From Just About Every Other Industry

While pay in the cannabis industry is likely the minimum wage when you first start a job, the industry is brand new, meaning there are more opportunities to grow and stand out for better pay and better hours in the long run to earn. Add to this the fact that more states are legalizing the drug, offering jobs and opportunities in a variety of positions, and accepting applicants with diverse skills and backgrounds.

Over time, cannabis continues to prove that it is a strong industry that persists despite the hurdles that still exist.

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